Monday, January 30, 2017

The Haves and the Have Nots: A Mother's Wisdom (5x04)

 Disclaimer: Spoilers for this episode of Tyler Perry and OWN's The Haves and the Have Nots after the jump! If you haven't seen it, do not click any further (until you've seen it, then definitely read)! Thank you to the Oprah Winfrey Network for the pictures!

-CLICK HERE for more #HAHN reviews!

Last week I never mentioned how brilliant it was for Kathryn to prompt Veronica to grab the gun because now her finger prints are all over it and she has some "evidence" (as Veronica would so gracefully remind the DA she didn't have any). I'm glad I didn't, because it would just be a waste of time because by the end of the episode Kathryn, Veronica, David AND Jim all touched the gun and are about to get rid of the body. I'm not sure what scheme Jim has up his sleeve, considering he told David to call it in and let Veronica go, but he always has some sort of twisted plan that probably will cause much more confusion that resolution. Good to see him back in the action, though!

So much head assery in one picture.
Benny took two steps forward with me and another three steps back and I'm not entirely sure how to feel about it. He finally confessed that he's beginning to lose hope for Candace, but then he goes around and still waits for her to show up even though he knows she probably won't. In another of a long string of good ideas and good moments Hanna has had this season, she goes to Candace and tries to talk some sense into her but before Candace can even go and explain everything to Benny, Jeffrey calls and tells her that his mom wants to meet with them and help them out of the whole they stabbed Quincy situation. Honestly, I don't even know at this point if Candace would have gone to talk to Benny because she's proven time after time just how unreliable and horrible she can be to her own flesh and blood. Speaking of Candace, like I said last week, I understand that she has really, really complex trust issues but at this point she shouldn't have put up so much of a fight against Veronica trying to "help" them. Veronica may be a psycho, and I would be a bit skeptical too, but Kathryn said it herself. Veronica is an excellent, brilliant, conniving snake of a lawyer.

When Hanna goes back to Benny's house and the cops show up, that's where he lost me. Instead of keeping calm, he immediately tried to fight the officers and wound up ending up in the back of one of their cars. It was almost like he was looking for trouble. While that scene may have been a bit over the topic, it's not out of character for him because I expected it. He doesn't handle complex emotions situations (or, well, any situations) like a smart, sane person. It was still a bit annoying to see it could have all been avoided if he kept his mouth shut like his mama kept yelling at him to do! Between Hanna, Benny and Candace, the one consistent thing between them is that the stubborn gene is STRONG.

I have to admit, since I started these reviews I've been a little hard on Wyatt. It's not even his fault. While his storyline has been dragging a bit, staggering and not keeping a good enough pace, it's slowly been creeping up to this moment. At first I felt as if him being assaulted in jail should have turned him into a better character but it makes all the sense in the world that it would have sent him off the rails and spiraling down out of control to the point where he overdosed. Things like that aren't easy, and as the show's already revealed, it wasn't the first team he had been sexually abused. I say that to say I really liked where his development started heading this week. His scenes this week started off like they have been, treating Jeffrey like trash until he threatened to leave. Wyatt breaking down and crying about how much he truly appreciates Jeffrey even though he knows he's an asshole isn't exactly uncharted territory and we have no idea where this storyline is going to end up going, but it serves it's purpose and it touched me. Hopefully this can be what finally inspires Wyatt to change.

Also, the idiot officers finally started digging and founds Quincy's hand. Yikes. Justin flashed the peace sign and DIPPED.

Storyline grades:
(The Haves) Veronica/Kathryn/David/Jim: B
(The Have Nots) Benny/Hanna/Candace: C+
(The I Cannots) Wyatt/Jeffrey: B+

Stray notes:
-David: Nobody has to get hurt.
Veronica: So you want me to get hurt?
-"He's in the shower. You know, that mid-day love making."
-Ericka handled herself like a boss.
-"Who is that on the floor?" That was such an ironic line, considering the body double for the DA looks nothing like her, obviously.
-Kathryn storming off after Jim let Veronica go was ME.
-Lil Q didn't even turn his neck to look at Benny when he went to the car. I. Was. Screaming.
-Jeffrey basically called Wyatt the Veronica to his David. Damn.
-What in every last black hell is Pearl still doing on this show?
-Veronica SWEARS this wedding is about to happen LOLOL
-I forgot Melissa even existed.
-How did the fucking cops not notice a whole entire dug out grave at their feet?
-I am starting to really like Mitch, which is why I didn't say anything about his dumb ass spilling every last drop of the tea about him planting the drugs in War's car. That was just plain stupid.
-Hanna may be stubborn, but week after week she delivers these good words that I can't help but fall onto my knees in praise and worship for.

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