Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Haves and the Have Nots: My Friend Maggie (4x12) - SUMMER PREMIERE

Warning: This contains spoilers for the summer premiere of The Haves and the Have Nots. If you haven't seen it, go watch it and eat that last piece of chicken. If you have...why are you still reading this? Review after the jump! 

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When that woman said the season would start with a bang and end with a bang (in the promo) she wasn't messing around! I don't know about the end, but the season sure did pick up right where it left off with Maggie Day being shot 7 times (that's how much I counted, correct me if I'm wrong) and falling down onto Veronica's fresh ass driveway. Veronica clearly planned everything out so after she goes and hides away behind a car, fake screaming and wailing "My friend Maggie! No that's my friend!" (most entertaining part of the episode, probably), the cop who she called takes the sniper down, assuring Veronica's safety for the meantime. 

Back at the house, Candace and Jeffery are still fuming, frightened and confused about how Veronica would know that Quincy died on the living room floor because (if you recall) she came over and poured some chemicals that brought out the blood stains when the lights were shut off. Veronica is one crafty bitch with a sickening strut. After Candace suggests that for his safety he should just stick with Veronica and Melissa for the time being, he has a complete meltdown and just wants to move past all the bullshit in his past but something new just keeps sucking him back in. He finally comes to the conclusion that if he wants to beat the bitch, he's just going to have to be a bigger bitch. I personally hope this marks a turning point in Jeffery's character and he finally finishes developing that backbone he's been slowly growing since season two.

Also, Wyatt is overdosed on his hotel bed. That's also a plot. Personally, good riddance if he is dead, I couldn't stand Wyatt this past season his development has gone in all the wrong ways. I get lashing out, I get being scared but Wyatt refused to be a normal human being last season and instead of redeeming himself -- which I thought his frightening stay in prison might do -- it turns out to have only turned him into a bigger dumb ass. I'm not really that worried about him dying because, honestly, he's too fine for Tyler Perry to get rid of him. That's not me talking, that's how I truly feel Tyler goes through his process when and if he's going to kill a man off of one of his shows (I say man because Maggie was fine as hell too and she's in the grave...or, I mean on the pavement, but more on that later). My favorite part of the scene was the hotel manager being pissed off that he OD'd in the hotel room and not just remorseful that he, you know, OD'd.

Candace gets a call from the bank that she's trying to mortgage Benny's house at. The bankteller, under the direction of Jim, informs her that they are speeding up the process and that he just has to go over a few things with her. I'm thinking that Jim isn't going to be able to pull this one over on old Candy. She is brilliant, I think she reads the fine print of anything. She'll realize it's a bad deal and call his bluff. If she doesn't then she's just stupid. I have no other way to put it. Candace calls up War to tell him that she will have his money for him, but he takes this as "I have your money now." So when they meet up at the tow yard, he gets pissed because she told him that she had his money. If this nigga wasn't a complete angry moron, he would have heard that she said she WILL have his money. She never said that she had it in her possession now. Unfortunately, this leads to him raping her on the fence outside of Benny's tow yard, and...Mitch the Bitch is watching. Apparently he doesn't have his own place so he decides to take this girl to the tow yard, claims it's his so he can go smack. However, when War and Candace show up that soils his plans and he has to hide in the back of his truck, with the girl (who clearly just wants some dick), and try and not get caught. He isn't, by War, but Candace sees and I guess that's supposed to somehow bring Mitch into the plot somehow. Okay? I honestly couldn't care less about him.

Speaking of not caring about certain characters, Hanna's back! And as stubborn as ever. She tells Benny he's not going through with suing the Cryers because it isn't "fair", so it's fair that their son hit him with a car, left him for dead and tried to cover it up? Okay, Hanna, I see the kind of game you're playing. As far as I'm concerned, if she's not reading the hell out of the rich people on the show she can go off somewhere because I'm done with her character. Once again, she begs Benny to beg Candace to give her her grandson and once again, Candace says no. 

Something really bothers me about the next scene that Benny and Candace share -- and we're going to break it down. Benny meets Candace at her place, after she was just raped, and tells him the truth about the money. Well, partially. She admits that it's Jim's money but refuses to admit that she was maliciously blackmailing him so she takes out the pictures from when she kidnapped him and snapped a photo of him with a bunch of drag queens and claims he has some wicked kinks. Somehow, Candace turns around the suspicion on Benny and confronts him about sleeping with Veronica (which Jeffrey told her earlier in their scene together). And Benny admits it, I guess, and then leaves. Okay. Fine. What really, really bugged me about this scene was Candace's attitude. She's been on the street so long and she's had to deal with so much pain and heartache, it's as if she's just conditioned herself to get sexually violated and pretend like nothing's happened. I get that it's business as usual, trying to sell a story to Benny, but she's joking around with him and perky as he leaves and she doesn't even go to wash herself off. It speaks volumes to the pain and suffering her character has had to go through throughout her life and it's painful to watch in a way, if you really think about it. Or maybe Tyler just forgot to write in Candace going to shower because he was so tired from producing and writing four damn shows for this network. Looks like we'll never know.
Jeffrey is slugging around, sitting at a table at that hotel everyone seems to stay at and some white woman comes over and tries to hit on him. Clearly he's not interested because, well, vagina...so he tries to send her away but she ends up throwing a drink on him. Then after he calls her a bitch, her friends come over and take her away and one stays a bit longer until she releases who he his. Turns out, she is the judge on the Harrington case so she is not supposed to have any contact whatsoever with him so she tells her husband to apologize and pay for his drink. The gag is, her husband is Officer rapist Justin. The dude who was mad creeping on Jeffery and nearly raped him in the back of his car. Jeffery invites him up to his room to talk and the two of them go at it. Well, in the most confrontational/non-confrontational way The Haves and the Have Nots deals with situations like this. Officer Justin claims that Jeffery set all of this up because he has some obsession with him and Jeffery just laughs it off and basically calls Justin a submissive bottom who likes to be taken control of (in more ways than one). Their scene ends with Jeffery saying that the two of them can help each other out...this isn't going to end well but for the first time the two of them share a scene together I'm interested to see what happens next.

And finally we have the most annoying part of the show, David Harrington. David pulls up to Veronica's new house and sees to bodies sitting on the concrete covered in sheets. He flips off in a rage and goes to the jail and pays one of the officers to essentially kick Jim's ass. Hold the Mariah Carey note up. If I was in a 20+ year marriage to someone and I saw sheets covered on their driveway, I would run up onto the driveway and breakdown and demand to see the body so I could confirm if it isn't or isn't my spouse. This dumbass looks at the sheet, shouts out my wife and just drives off in a rage. David is such an idiot it's hard to even bother and write about him these days. Once the most noble character on the show now just a shell of what he once was. It's sad. What's even sadder is the death of Maggie Day. She was a moron a lot of the time two but she was just a sweet woman who meant well and got involved with the wrong people. R.I.P, Maggie Day! Not sure about Wyatt yet but we'll probably find out next week.

Told you guys I'd be back! It was a bit of a slow paced episode for me but there were some interesting moments that balanced out the boring ones.

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