Monday, November 23, 2015

The Voice US: Top 11 Live Show (GWEN)

Korin is such a dork. She's such an adorable adorkable dork. I love hearing her talk with Gwen and just being quirky. I would actually love to see some of that in her performances, just seeing her have a bit of fun. Her performances are always pretty good, nothing is very memorable, but they could always be better. Her performance for the instant save was my favorite performance she's ever given. Her voice and the song just mixed together so well, it was beautiful to watch. Gwen hit it on the nose. When she sings, she is great at making you feel something. Vocally, the performance was quite good, I just found it a bit boring until she stepped away from the microphone. She was a little sharp when she went into her head voice, but it was forgivable. And does The Voice have some deal with Target on lightbulbs? I always see lightbulbs on these stages. No, just me? Okay. (6.5/10)

Braiden's dad is so Braiden's dad. He's kind of awkward and has that whole cool hair thing going on too. Ugh, my heart was warmed when Gwen said that they were taking it back to when he did the Michael Buble song. I'm assuming she meant "Feeling Good," but if she was...honey, let's not get the game twisted. That song will forever be owned by and ingrained in my system as THE Nina Simone song. Braiden's such a cool kid, I love seeing him just be a dork (a lot like Korin). I was literally just praying for his hair to be curly but they either permed it or jelled it back. It's not that big of a deal but....okay, whatever. Braiden has won me over again! He embraced his old school style and just focused on standing still and singing. He has such a big voice that fits this style of music so much. Little Sunshine held that note out for the length of Kim Kardashian's wedding to Kris Humphries. Little Braiden Sunshine held that wicked long note for 72 days straight. He has a beautiful rich tone and is one of those rare singers who seems to actually be in tune with the music he's doing because he's never been out of tune or out of key. Once again, an amazing comeback for Braiden! (8/10)

JEFFERY, YOU BETTER STAND IN YOURSELF AND SING THAT ROBYN SONG. He is such a natural born singer. It doesn't take much out of him to sing the living shit out of a song and this was absolutely no exception. The stage was gorgeous, I loved all the shiny disco balls behind the guitarist. Jeffery has this crazy good rasp in his voice that is just amazing to close your eyes and listen to. He has a natural vocal intensity in his voice and is one of those artists that does an effortlessly amazing job at making you feel like you just lost the love of your life. The acapella part was beautiful and the grit and passion when he was singing the chorus was so powerful. His last few notes were the perfect end to an amazing performance. (7.5/10)

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