Monday, November 30, 2015

The Voice US: Top 10 Live Show (TEAM BLAKE && TEAM PHARRELL)

So, of course the put the two artists I pay the least attention to and wanted to pay more attention to tonight were the first two up. It's for the better, of course, because my mind will be able to pay more attention to them. She's definitely been stepping up her game every week. She has a pretty nice voice on her actually! I remember that one of my main problems with her was her elongated notes because her vibrato was very shaky, and not in any type of good way. She fixed that and shut me up tonight, her vocals sounded amazing. They were a little thin when she held anything out but it was really on point for the most part, except for the absolute last note where she sounded a little out of breath. She also looked amazing and the stage was beautiful. I think Emily made a very good call wanting to strip the performance back a little because it allowed for her vocals to shine because this is the best she's ever done, in my opinion. (7/10)

"It kind of has an Elvis-y vibe to it." That is immediately what I thought when I discovered Zach was doing "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" for his performance this week. I thought it was going to be the perfect opportunity for Zach to actually perform the hell out of song, and sing it with it sounding pretty decently. The song's vocals itself are very bass/baritone, and that's clearly Zach's main vocal range. This song also gave him the right, in my opinion, to do all that bump and grind dirty shit he did when he busted out of the gates a few weeks ago with "Brand New Girlfriend." The vocals were there at the beginning of the song but what wasn't there was any energy, it was as if Zach almost looked bored to be there. I kept hoping that the song would go somewhere and he wasn't looking let he wasn't stuck dancing in his fourth period Algebra class. The end he showed a little bit of personality and if it wasn't for his sassy "that's right" and spin around at the end, I probably would have rated this lower. He has the moves, it's literally just his face that ruined the performance because he looked so freaking bored half of the time. (6.5/10)


Yes, boo, you better sing for the girls. I think Madi and Amy are neck and neck when it comes to arranging songs to fit their vocal style. The difference, however, is that Amy comes into rehearsal with a vision and Adam puts his personal touch on the performance, which is great. But the great thing about Madi is how she comes in with the direction she wants to take a song and basically does all the work for Pharrell (aside from the few notes he gives to tweak it just a tad, because he's Pharrell and he's the absolute master of producing) and all he has to do is nod and say "flawless, b." That's in no way to knock down Amy, because she is a beautiful artist in her own right, Madi is just more aware of who and what she wants to be and that's to be commended. You can see it on her face and through her body language how much she wants this, even if she's on the more shy and reserved side. She gives me Alex Preston vibes (American Idol, Season 13). The soprano saxophone at the beginning and throughout gave the song such jazzy vibes that I loved. Madi was able to capture the essence of this song and strip it back and give it a different meaning. I think on the surface the song is about girl power and having a good time, but Madi's arrangement absolutely captured what the song is truly truly about. It was haunting, complimenting her vocals as she poured through every emotional beat as masterful as she could. I personally think this earned the pimp spot that it didn't receive, but it's fine because she still gave the performance of the night. (9.5/10)

I'm glad Barrett changed it up this week and sat down and sang his song. I'm so used to seeing him just stand still and do weird faces and have an obvious connection with a song and like stomp around and pop his veins out but this week we only got the faces! In all honesty, I love Barrett's voice because it's the perfect blend of soul and country and I love soul and I'm cool with country so the mix of the two is just the perfect thing, really. That's what sold the song for me. I didn't necessarily feel it as much as I would have liked, but the fireplace was pretty to look out and as the song went on, I enjoyed the melody a lot. And he has a surprisingly controlled and nice sounding softer tone to his voice. (7/10)

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