Monday, November 30, 2015

The Voice US: Top 10 Live Show (TEAM GWEN)

"Hey, you're a good singer (:" Same, Gwen. That's exactly how I would great Jeffery if I saw him on the street so point to Gwen for being relatable this week. So we get two Jealous' in one week, yay! I really hope this doesn't turn into one of those overdone songs. It may be gorgeous but it tends to lose it's meaning when too many people do it at once. Most of America doesn't watch The X Factor UK, so I wouldn't be shocked if I was the only one scared that this might happen but the way Jeffery sang it, I wouldn't be surprised if it absolutely blew up. Why, oh why, would they open the show like this? Not because it was bad but because The Voice already had me in my feelings six minutes into the show. The lighting was perfect as Jeffery stood there with that absolutely breathtaking black smokey background. His vocals hit a new high tonight. There was grit, there was rasp, his lower register is SO powerful. The bonafide Sam Smith of The Voice, Season 9. I'm calling it now. By the second chorus, I had goosebumps all over my body. You didn't even need to look at the gorgeous silhouette in the background or the staging to feel something -- if you closed your eyes, by the last few notes you could just feel his emotion. He set the bar enormously high as the first performance of the night and being that spectacular. (9/10)

I was a little skeptical when I heard his song choice because I thought that his wheelhouse was the older songs, but a few weeks ago he did a pretty good job with that rock song the other week and Radioactive has a rock-pop-alternative feel to it. He shut me up during the clip package when he hit that one note, though and he made me a little more interested to see the performance. I thought he looked great, his haircut was great and it was so fun to see his hair actually, like, natural. His vocals in my opinion were very consistently inconsistent. I think on paper this was a decent song choice for him to show he was more modern but his voice can off as a bit annoyingly hefty, his tone came off a bit nasilly and a lot of the time it sounded like he was really pushing his voice to somewhere that was trying to tell him "no, girl, I can't go that high" but he has an impressive range so it didn't fail as much as you think it might. My favorite part about Braiden is that he desperately doesn't want to be a one trick pony, he tries to push himself outside of his box and change it up and show that he has variety. I think the performance as a whole could of been a whole lot better but it was decent for what it was. (6/10)

It's good to see Korin being pushed out of comfort zone because she's so introverted and stuck in her own quiet little shell. I think she absolutely sounded amazing. She has a such a beautiful soft little voice on her and when it's pushed to it's limits, ironically, that's when she shines the most. She doesn't over-exert herself. I wish she had more of a fan base in the competition because she's actually a very interesting person that just has trouble translating it to the stage while sounding pretty darn good every time she performs. Maybe Gwen actually shook some personality into her because when she was actually on the stage (dressed like the devil from Scream Queens, or something) she strutted around the stage making sure everyone knew how God damn over that "Same Old Love" she was. I think she topped herself tonight, managing to sound good and....actually giving a good performance? Yassss Korin. I hope it's enough to keep her in because she doesn't deserve to be in the bottom two every single week if she keeps churning out performances like this. (8/10)

"Our friend, Gwen Stefani." - Carson Daley. I bet she ain't Miranda Lambert's friend. *Sips tea* In all honestly, the performance was very emotional. It was almost as if Gwen stole this song from Miranda Lambert (like she did her man, lol) because I was literally just thinking...damn, Miranda could have wrote this about Blake and how ironic is it that Gwen is singing it? Did Gwen have to dress up as the bride of Chucky during her performance. Don't get me wrong from a far the stage and Gwen looked amazing...but up close was she crying or something? I don't particularly fancy Gwen Stefani's voice, but I thought this performance was actually very beautiful and the emotional aspect of the song is what drove the performance and made it so strong. GOOD JOB GWENDOLYN <3

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