Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Bachelorette 13: Week 8 Recap

Disclaimer: Everything down below are my personal opinions. I'm in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially The Bachelorette, ABC or stomping grapes with unwashed feet. Thank you to ABC for the pictures.

Peter makes me want to mute the television and start playing with my hair. There aren't many more ways to say how I feel about him. I've been vocally against him many times (the hood) and this week nothing really changed. Rachel's family liked him, he bonded with Rachel's white brother (in-law?), and asked her mom for permission to...date her. Date. You got that, right? Date. Immediately after the scene where Rachel told her sister she was looking for the real deal AKA a husband. Date. Eric and those freshly waxed eyebrows have a bit more to prove than the other two. He's never been in love and he hasn't met a girl's family since the beginning of the decade but he ends up getting the blessing from Rachel's mom.

Bryan was sitting back during both dates shading the other two of him and as we like to say here, Karma truly is the b word. From the second he walks in to meet Rachel's family it's like a rejected blood donation. They are not having any of his shit. The Linsdays are a metaphor for the American public, watching Bryan and Rachel and not really buying it. While Rachel has been under his dick spell (not literally, yet, thank goodness), I do have to agree with her that the family was being harder on him than the other guys. I don't blame them, based on this being my ninth week of watching him and being completely annoyed by him. It wasn't really fair for them to grill him time after time. Rachel almost got into a fist fight with her white brother when he told her to calm down when she called them out for being rude to Bryan, her sister told him she thought he wasn't being genuine and her mom gave him her blessing to propose to her. In the family's defense, Bryan was talking a little to much and everything he said did sound extremely rehearsed.

Eric always seems like the type of person to chose his words carefully in the sense that he thinks before he speaks, with a careful appreciation of the fact that words mean things. Meaning that he says what he feels and means what he says. I didn't really get what Rachel saw in Eric at first but every time she's around him she's so upbeat, it looks like she really likes him and it's slowly made me a believer in their relationship. They also just look really, really good together. Have you noticed that? They end up going up to the fantasy sweet and, I guess, blow each other's backs out because they were looking pretty happy the next morning.

I want to say with all of my heart that Peter is playing my girl Rachel. The problem with me saying that would be the fact that he isn't playing her. He's straight up told her, even his mama told her, that he might not want to propose to her if she ends up picking him. For some reason, Rachel has heard this time and time again and continues picking him even though she stresses in every confessional she has that she wants a husband and not a boyfriend. Heck, she straight up says this week that she's had a lot of boyfriends so she's not looking for that anymore. If she picks him, odds are he's just going to want to date her and that is not what Rachel wants. It would be a different story if it seemed like there was a rewiring in Rachel's head and it looked as if she was beginning to accept this but it doesn't. She's just sitting there, crying, "devastated" like her conversation with him at the end of the episode comes as a surprise to her. I don't get the spell he has casted on her. If Peter needs as much time as he says he does to figure out whether he's ready for marriage, don't apply to be on a 12-week show that traditionally ends in a marriage proposal.

Stray notes: 
-So Rachel's never seen a little girl before? Why was she so taken aback by seeing a little girl? Why did Peter and Rachel follow these strangers to start stomping grapes? Why did they keep doing it after they left? Why did they start making out over the grapes? Did they wash their feet first? I have so many questions.

-Every. Single. Face. The Lindsays were making whenever Bryan opened his mouth could have easily been gif'd/meme'd.

-Whether or not I'll recap "The Men Tell All" remains to be seen. We'll just see how much I have to say after watching it next week. So I'll either follow up with you Bachelorette fans next week, or in two weeks for the finale!

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