Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Haves and the Have Nots: A Woman Under the Stairs (5x15)

Disclaimer: Spoilers for this episode of Tyler Perry and OWN's The Haves and the Have Nots after the jump! If you haven't seen it, do not click any further (until you've seen it, then definitely read)! Thank you to the Oprah Winfrey Network for the pictures!

Picking up smack where last week left off, Veronica accuses Justin of sexually harassing Jeffrey after she catches them in the stairwell together. Now if this were last season, when home boy and Jeffrey were starring in that horrible acted gay porn in the back of 'ol boy's cop car then I would have agreed with Veronica. But considering since then Jeffrey's dummy ass knows he likes dicking down Justin, almost as much as he loves getting his back blown out by him, so I can't give Ronnie this one. Not that it matters to her. Veronica blackmails him, threatening to make this (white cop sexually harassing black man) national news if he doesn't stay away from her son. Justin fake agrees to stay away from Jeffrey, while also threatening to use his judge wife against her in the murder case. Veronica shrugs it off and tells him that she can beat him to his wife the next morning, telling her that her (the judge on the case) husband fucking her son (the defendant) would probably be a conflict of interest. Justin even holds up what looks to be a tazer to Veronica's neck and home girl didn't even flinch. Then she had every black nerve to continue and taunt him on his way out, gloating about how Jeffrey is in love with Wyatt. Fuck Veronica, but seeing Justin that pissed off as he stormed out dramatically was a wonderful sight.

Jim and David find Jeffrey, asking him about Wyatt. Jeffrey tells them that he was trying to detox by himself, and it wasn't working, so he had to come to the hospital. Jim wants to see him but Jeffrey tells them that Wyatt is in a fragile state and that it would be better to wait before bringing family in, same as he told Katheryn. They convince him to give Jim the room number and he apologizes to Jeffrey before speeding off. David asks Jeffrey about the Quincy murder and he immediately confesses that he played a part in the murder -- so David knows what Veronica has on him this time. He explains to David that Veronica said she can get the discovery of the body thrown out in court because the house was in the banks name, not Candace's, when they issued the warrant to search the house. When David finds out Candace, Benny and Veronica are the only others who know what happened he vows to take care of it, telling Jeffrey to go to a hotel. Jim ends up finding Wyatt, convincing Anna to leave the room so he can have a moment with Wyatt. It's actually quite a touching scene. Jim has always been loud, obnoxious and harsh on Wyatt. Even though he's a sleep, it's nice to finally see a touching moment between Jim and his son. It's a rare human moment from Jim that's a nice change of pace to the over the top asshole he's accustom to being.

Hanna refuses to eat, and continues refusing to believe that God has he back after everything she's been through. Little Q's death was the tipping point for her. She calls Benny but gets Mitch because Benny's in jail. He lies to her, telling her that Benny just stepped out and left his phone. Katheryn offers to help Hanna with Q's funeral in whatever way she can after the way she was there for her after Amanda's death. Poor Hanna doesn't even know what flowers to put on his casket. Katheryn offers to pay for everything and does whatever she can to help lift up Hanna's mood -- including offering to cook her breakfast, even though she doesn't even know how to turn the stove on. It was cute. Meanwhile, Benny's still in jail. The cops want his DNA because they think he's a threat to a presidential candidate. That makes absolutely no sense, until it sort of starts to (but also still not really)...

Charles' kids, AKA the presidential candidate's kids, open the door to Candace's connecting room at the hotel before he sends them off. She convinces him to come over to her side of the room and they go through another batch of ridiculously cringe worthy flirts and sexual innuendoed. He asks her if she still has any copies of the tape she recorded of him after they slept together the first time but she claims that she doesn't and that she wasn't going to do anything with them in the first place, then tells him to strip that down (which he does, lol). So he blows her back out, or she blew his out, and Candace just starts taking selfies. He questions whether or not she respects him, which at first just looks to be him being an emotional light skin nigga, and keeps questioning her about the phone and the recording. She jokes about needing the recording for a rainy day, and how she is going to use all of his presidential power against him. He asserts that she has no idea who he is, once again sounding like a typical emotional light skin nigga, until he says the magic words: Vincent, I need you. Out of absolutely the fuck nowhere a team of white guys come in and tell Candace that she's been suspected to be recruiting Americans for some Syrian terrorist organization. Bitch, what?! Excuse me?!


Storyline grades:
Veronica/Justin: B+
David/Jeffrey/Jim/Wyatt: B
Hanna/Katheryn: B
Candace/Charles: B+

Stray notes:
-Click HERE for more #HAHN reviews.

-Veronica: "Where you been, girl? You been under a rock? I'm Veronica Harrington"

Bitch, this is how Tyler drags one scene throughout an entire season. 
(EXHIBIT A) Justin: "Technically that's a sentence/statement." 
(EXHIBIT B) Charles: "Will you teach me?" Candace: "Yes." Charles: "Thank you." *stares*

-David: "You are prolonging this unnecessarily." Did Tyler low key just read himself?
-That duck metaphor from Charles was horrible. 

Worst sexual innuendo(s) of the night.
Charles: "So the bigger the lesson, the faster you learn?" Candace: "Or smaller, if it's memorable."
Charles: "I was trying to give a speech and all I could see, taste, was you."

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