Friday, October 7, 2016

If Loving You Is Wrong: You're the Boss (3x04)

Spoilers for the latest episode of If Loving You Is Wrong after the jump!
-CLICK HERE for more ILYIW reviews!

So, Brad. You come into the house with mud on your shoes, then snatch the entire fuck out of Marcie's soul out of her body...but you're shocked when she defends herself? It's not like Brad grabbed her by the arm or anything, Brad Montgomery yanked her back by the neck. If I was Marcie, I would have smashed the bottle over his head too. Then my home girl Marcie grabs a knife and dips out of the house. Marcie heads over to Randal's house where Kelly tells her that Miss Louise said it was Brad who attacked her and trashed the house. Then she talks to Steven, who also tells Marcie the same thing, and that they thing Brad kidnapped the baby. Marcie's doubts about Brad continue to rise as she tells him where Brad is. 

Week after week I find something a little more compelling about the Joey/Faun shooting storyline. Maybe that because April Jones Parker is getting a chance to shine as an actress, or maybe it's because we haven't heard Joey or Faun open their mouth's since May. Either way, as long as they keep it up, I'm into the storyline. We've grown to care for Natalie as a character so it's hard to see her go through this. Natalie's monologue about trying to steer Joey in the right direction wasn't only relatable, we've been watching it since Joey got out of jail in season one. Time after time she's tried to talk him into making good decisions but time after time he's made the wrong ones for the worst reasons possible (lol, Faun? Really?). Maybe if Joey makes it out of this it will spell some change for the character (not like it happened when Wyatt screwed up on The Haves and the Have Nots, but...). You did your thing, though April!

Someone. Shoot . Eddie. Eddie walks into the crime scene (Randal's house) laughing, being an ass, stepping in the blood on purpose until Steven pulls him to the side and the two of them go at it. Steven said Eddie's mom sucked the devil's dick, he said Eddie bent over for Lucifer, he said Eddie wears panties...point is, Steven read Eddie for physically throwing his white ass out of the house. Of course Essy (eyeroll) is outside and Eddie and her go at it. I don't really care about their relationship, it's too much of the same junk. Esperanza goes into the house to identify some photos and, yeah, that happened.

Steven leaves and Kelly invites Marcie into Alex' house, where she proceeds to fuck shit up. A speed demon must have taken over Marcie's soul after Brad snatched it out of her neck, but she starts trashing the place...until she calms down and tells Kelly she still loves Randal. I'm not here for that at all. Randal wrote the book on how to be a lying, cheating, scheming, impregnating fuck boy and I won't have it. Marcie deserves better! Anyways, Marcie tells Kelly about the mud and how Brad's being super shady and Kelly grabs her and forces her to tell the cops outside.

And Alex hit's a tree! Unfortunately she's alive, though. A bit anti-climactic, though?

For some reason I was just really let down after last week's stellar last ten minutes. Marcie, Brad and Natalie were the best parts about the episode! Eddie and Travis need to go. Somewhere. I don't know where, but they need to leave.

Disrespecting Andrew:
"Get your bitch ass over here."
"Don't say you're on it, say thank you."

-Ben bucked up to Eddie twice this week!!

Kelly, girl.
"She said it was the man next door, and that's Brad."
Kelly should be careful about using the phrase "the man next door." Remember when everyone thought Kelly was the "bitch next door" Randal was cheating on Marcie with?
Seeing Kelly be there for Marcie only pissed me off because I'm still mad she and the entire crew abandoned Marcie for, like, all of last season.

I think I fell out of my seat when Steven showed Marcie the picture of Randal and Alex.
"There's a sign saying congratulations Alex and...Randal. Okay, I see." Do you? Do you finally see, Steven? It's like he stepped on Marcie's dress and just started kicking her with  reminders of Randal and Alex.

Pete finally makes an appearance! Maybe he'll be back by season 7! 

"She a young broad, nice ass?"
"How bad is it inside?" I mean, there's a trail of blood on the sidewalk. Context clues, boo.
Did Steven suck someone's dick for that position? Because that's what Eddie seems to be alluding to...?

Travis is one of the most vial, annoying, unnecessary things I've ever seen on television. He doesn't even deserve a full paragraph up to, he just deserves hell. Or a bible.

-Thanks to for the pictures!

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