Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Haves and the Have Nots: The Apple Tree (4x15)

Warning: This contains spoilers for the newest episode of of The Haves and the Have Nots. If you haven't seen it, go watch it and eat that last piece of chicken. If you have...why are you still reading this? Review after the jump!

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It's (finally) the next morning and Katheryn is on the couch, grieving the loss of Wyatt while Hanna comes out and brings Katheryn her pills. After a few exchanges she asks Hanna if this is all happening because they covered up for Wyatt. Without saying yes, Hanna basically tells her yes and then Katheryn begs Hanna to tell Jim about Wyatt's death. After playing the "child of God" card (again), Hanna finally agrees to tell him. As expected, Renee Lawless is playing the pants off of a grieving Katheryn. Her delivery of "I have no strength" was breath taking. Maybe it's the character, maybe it's all the tragedy in her life, maybe it's Renee Lawless, but there's something about her that makes her the only character (besides maybe Landon and Benny on a good day) that I am truly rooting for. Y'all know I still don't think Wyatt's ass is dead though. They're probably gonna flip his ass over in the last five minutes of the finale in the morgue and he's gonna come back to life like Elena in The Vampire Diaries. I'll believe it when I see his casket sink into the ground.

This show's camera quality is probably the most unsteady in the industry. Half the time the show looks like it's shot with a walnut, the other half of the time (this scene for example) the quality is absolutely amazing and it looks like you're watching a feature film. That shot of Candace in the bed (pre-War) was gorgeous. But then War came in and started rubbing up against her and warned her for the 374th time this season that there was going to be consequences if she didn't give him the money and that he was going to stay with Benny all day and kill him immediately if he didn't get his money on time. To be quite frank, I have no idea why she owes him this money and why he is trying this hard to make her life a literal living hell and I don't really care to find the point in the show where that was revealed so I would appreciate if someone could clue me in. (I think it was some deal she made and got hella bank and he got nothing so he's pissed?)

Mitch is still trying to process what he saw the previous night (War basically raping Candace on a fence). When Benny meets him in the tow yard, Mitch tries to warn him that War isn't a good guy very ominously and Benny refuses to hear any of it and basically says that he and War are a package deal. Then War comes in, like he promised Candace, and Mitch leaves to go talk to Candace. He meets her as she's on the way out of her house to the bank but he stops her for a chat. He offers to help her (apparently his brothers got some money) but she rejects the offer and tells him to just keep his mouth shut and...then....kisses him and leaves. Apparently they have some sort of history? Although I found Mitch being there when she got raped, I'm calling it rape because she clearly doesn't want to be touched by War, I'm actually digging the way they're bringing him into all of the action. For the first time I could see him as a regular character on the show...and then he got in his car and got on the phone to call some guy named Riley to plant drugs in Wars car (he was mumbling his words, he could have been doing anything tbh). I just thought Brett Davis (Mitch) was playing that in too much of a fake hood way he should have just said the lines without makes his eyes, head and hand move so much because it was laughably awkward.

Also, apparently Justin is into having sex with Jeffrey now. He calls him, they meet up at the hotel, he shows Jeffrey no emotions (likes being handcuffed to the bed, though). but gets in his feelings when Jeffrey ends things. I almost fell out my seat when he told this nigga "you're ending this when you started things?" ...Didn't he track Jeffrey down and nearly force him to give him a blowjob? Then forced his way into Jeffrey's hotel room? Then called Jeffrey for a two night stand? Uh??? "Jeffrey, I thought you were a good guy." I don't know what he's doing in the show, this storyline is just so whack to me. Justin's a regular, so I doubt this is the end of their...relationship. But who cares, also.

Ooh, Ronnie with the good wig is back in business. She lost control of Jeffrey when the whole car thing was over and she couldn't blackmail him anymore but found out about Quincy's death days later and found something new to hold over his head. She's forcing him to move into her house, propose to Melissa and live a straight life with her. I'm on board for more psycho Veronica, especially at the end when she told that bitch to go out that back.

Surprisingly the best part about this episode was the Candace/War storyline. After months of having to go through the same thing every episode (War telling Candace she was toast, Candace just standing there nodding) there was finally some action. She goes to the bank and gets the paperwork for the money (the paperwork with the fine print that she has to pay the money back in two weeks, or else - a la Jim). Just as I though, Candace being a law student, she begun reading through the contract but I guess she stopped paying attention or maybe it was the call to War, or maybe it was because she was so desperate that she signed the shady deal anyways and is essentially fucked either way. The thing I loved about this storyline was the tension this week. Benny's life is on the line and there's this feeling of uneasiness. It's coming at the best time, too, because Tyler Perry isn't playing this season. He killed off two main characters in the premiere telling us that no one was safe. I was on the edge of my seat praying that Candace got that money.

Hanna comes to tell Jim that Wyatt is dead but per usual, Jim can't keep his mouth shut and he delays her telling him with his big ass mouth. But she finally tells him. Yikes.

There we go, Tyler! While this wasn't a clear winner of an episode this was definitely a step in the right direction. My problem with the episode is the same problem I've had this entire season, the pacing is terrible. Major things are happening but I just find myself sitting there and feeling like each scene is dragging along. Little things like unnecessary dialogue and unnecessary distractions are the main causes of this issue.

-"If evil is sewn then it works it's way back into the fabric of your life somehow." COME ON, HANNA.

-"Are you hear to call me a demon and say you're praying for me?" I wish she was, Jim. You and that damn beard need it.

-I'm sorry, I have to say it again. Brett Davis' delivery of that monologue on the phone in the car was hilariously dreadful.

-Tika Sumpter is a brilliant actress. During the scene at the bank where she was on the phone with War, pretending to be some happy couple going to Vegas, there's amount before she gets off the phone were "Candace" is clearly acting but somehow there is this look of terrible fear in her eyes. And her hands were subtly shaking when she hung the phone up. Sumpter is a gem.

-This Just-In (Justin, lol): Jeffrey is a top, Justin is a power bottom.

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