Warning: This review contains spoilers for the most recent episode of If Loving You is Wrong. Feel free to share this, comment on it and share your opinions on what you thought about it! I'm in no way affiliated with any companies, especially OWN. Everything expressed in this review are my personal thoughts and are extremely biased.
Just when I think Alex is warming up to me she pulls some shit and I get frostbite. Brad comes home and sees that Randal is talking to Alex. Is Randal Brad Jr's father? Yes. Did Brad overreact? No. Randal looks and acts like a literal bat out of nigga hell. He got his wife pregnant on purpose and wants to ruin his own wife's life because of it. I don't understand. From Alex seeming to be shock by Brad's resistant to have that sociopath in their house with his kids to her mama bear murderous metaphors...I'll take Alex off screen for 500 please! Speaking of things that don't make sense, Brad goes back to the condo (that was meant for the two of them but only has one bedroom) where Marcie tells him it's a mistake that they moved in together because she "craves" him. So much. She just craves him. So much.
Kelly. Is. So. Annoying. We don't really get to see that until Lushion has a talk with her and asks her why she's sitting here like a hot mess when she could just ask Ramsey what's up and stop playing these games but no, she wants to sit back like a child and continue to pout instead of being adult, taking some initiative and finding out who Ramsey was with and why he was with her. Speaking of playing games, when Kelly gets home Travis is sitting on the porch looking a banshee ass mess because he's so distraught over what Kelly has done to him. All she did was fuck him then move on and start living her life. I don't see what's wrong, for once Kelly is not in the wrong because she moved on from the guy who broke up with her over the phone after she bought a house (that she couldn't afford) for him and got engaged to someone else. I don't know what kind of shit Tyler Perry went through but it's as if he's incapable of writing a stand up male character on this show whose name isn't Lushion. The real shocker is when Travis starts to choke Kelly. All the dramatic weight is pulled out when he tells her that she has unleashed the "dragon" within him and he's not a little boy. Nigga, did you just call yourself a dragon? Drink bleach and get off my damn television set.
I can't even put into words how entertaining watching Julius' mom and his raggedy ass get nothing. So Julius Sr gave his mistress his house, 25 million dollars and gave their daughter all the rest of the money. The gag was that right after that was revealed, Sr revealed that apparently Julius only knocked him out when he tried to smother him with the pillow. Apparently he didn't kill him and he was strong enough in between then and when he actually died to record a video where he calls his ex wife an enabling bitch and leaves her with nothing. Obviously Julius is mad so he throws a plant or something at the television and storms out with his mom and this raggedy bitch is sitting there cackling like Black Chyna when she got a positive pregnancy test. Apparently Tyler Perry would like us to believe that if you're a mistress, as long as you keep your mouth shut for thirty years you'll walk away with a daughter, a house and 125 million dollars.
Marcie's living her life as a working woman, that's very cute. So she goes to some house that's being built to meet a client and Randal pops up out of nowhere because he wants to talk to her. He tells her he's going to make her life a living hell because of what she did. But...I'm almost positive everything was just fine until you went on and fucked the white woman next door. Everything was smooth as butter until you shot up her club and played like it was no big deal to the entire world. Everything is all fun and games until Randal had to discover what pain feels like and he's not even confronting it because his crazy ass is so busy trying to get revenge for something his crazy black ass started.
Quick thing before I wrap up. Lushion proposed to Natalie! You want to know why it was so sweet? It was a moment earned by the writers. Since the show started we've been watching them argue but there was clearly true love behind all the fighting and they're probably the one successful relationship on the show. Tyler probably isn't too happy with that so there will probably be trouble in paradise but for now let's revel in the fact that Natalie got proposed to and Joey wasn't in the episode! What I could have left out was all the horny erotic talk we got before Lushion got to the point and proposed to her because, girl, ain't NOBODY got any amount of time for that.
The whole second half of this season, instead of taking care of her child or learning what it means to mind her own damn business Esperanza has made it her personal mission to take down Claudia. The 911 operator. I don't know why, maybe she's jealous of the attention she gets around the office or she genuinely just doesn't like her but Esperanza has made it her life goal to take Claudia down. She's out here calling around town to confirm Claudia's prior employments but still smells something fishy. Eddie overhears and offers his services even though they beg him to go off and drown himself basically. Now what I don't get is how Lushion is involved in all of this. Maybe he was paid off to keep Claudia safe and that's why he has so much money in his bank account? But he pulls Claudia to the side and gives her a heads up that these niggas just won't mind their business and they're looking into her past. They hug, Esperanza's nosy ass comes back in and thinks she saw them kissing and a whole lot of other mess I don't really care to talk about but the point is that all of this was leading up to probably the biggest and most shocking revelation since the season started. CLAUDIA IS THE MYSTERIOUS SISTER TO JULIUS WHO IS GETTING ALL THOSE BENJAMIN'S. I could have done without all the dramatics of watching Julius stab that poor lawyer in the hand (even though it was beginning to sound like he wanted Julius to kill her). All I know is shit is finally getting good and I'm here for it.
Marcie is a savage:
Marcie told Randal not only do her and Brad live together but they are drilling each other so hard the screws are coming out of their bed even though she knows his ass in in-the entire fuck-sane.
Eddie is the best:
"My name is Edward, spelled I don't give a damn."
Unleash the dragon:
I thought this was supposed to be a drama? Why was I hysterically laughing the ENTIRE time Travis was on my screen?
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