Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Survivor: American Idol Edition (Top 3)

What is Survivor? Alright, so I do recaps of performances for various singing shows and I give my two cents but Survivor is where I put my ten cents in and try and give the contestants a bit of advice (even though they're clearly not reading this) about what they can do to stay in the competition. 

Everything down below is not only referring to said contestant's previous performance, but their overall history in the competition. Pros and Cons are just what you'd think and the Verdict is basically what I think they can do to get through to the next round and whether or not I think they're safe or not. On to Survivor!

Note: I'm pulling all this shit down here out my ass (not the best note to end on for the last "Survivor" post ever for Idol) because the final three are actually all pretty good so tonight is very unpredictable.

Pros: He's marketable as all holy hell.

Cons: [insert what I wrote last week...]

Verdict: I don't think he's going to be in the final two. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if he did because of his 13 year old, ruthless, twitter fans. Dalton doesn't really even need to win this show to be successful because he already fills a gap in the market, he'll be fine.

Pros: She can sing her ass off.

Cons: She hasn't stood out these past few weeks. She killed "No More Drama" a few weeks ago, but I've personally taken a vacation to Trent city these past two weeks. 

Verdict: At this point, I'd be fine seeing Trent or La'Porsha win. What she needs to do to change my mind tonight is pull something out of her ass and remind everyone why she wants to be the next American Idol. Notice how I said remind, not show. La'Porsha has proved time after time that shes worthy of being the final American Idol but in these last few weeks where Trent has been stepping it up, she really needs to have a killer performance or two tonight or else it's all over for her (whatever that really means, considering she made it to the last week).

Pros: He had another great week last week and delivered one of his top two best vocal performances.

Cons: Idk. Tbh. Irdk. 

Verdict: The reason why I don't have any cons is because Trent has been playing this Idol game like a MASTER. He "just got by" the entire season and slapped us in the face two weeks a go, reminding us who he was and why he was here. Just like La'Porsha, he needs another killer performance tonight because let's not all forget the tragic story of Joshua Ledet. I'm pretty sure all of his top three performances were spotless but he still lost out to Jessica and Phillip. Trent is peaking at the right time but he definitely needs to keep it up tonight.

Eliminated: Dalton

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