Tuesday, April 26, 2016

If Loving You Is Wrong: The Brown Paper Bag (2x18)

Warning: This review contains spoilers for the most recent episode of If Loving You is Wrong. Feel free to share this, comment on it and share your opinions on what you thought about it! I'm in no way affiliated with any companies, especially OWN. Everything expressed in this review are my personal thoughts and are extremely biased.

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"If I could, could forget y'all...I would, please believe me..." [In the tune of Jazmine Sullivan's In Love with Another Man] @Joey&Faun. I can't stand y'all. Before we get into what actually happened in the scene, let's get these dummies out the way. They're making out on the couch and when every one comes home Faun hides under Watermelondrea's (I don't know what Natalie be naming them babies) bed because apparently we got thrown into a That's So Raven plot device. After they get caught (because why the fuck did they think that would work) there's a scene outside the house where they're talking and Joey refers to her as a friend. And Faun's whole entire re-casted ass bugs her eyes out like some type of emoji. Like she's shocked Joey is friend zoning her ass. Again. I don't have any more energy in my spirit to reiterate that you ladies need to SAY NO TO FUCKBOYS. Joey has proved time after time all he wants from her is a quick fuck and a cheeseburger. Faun's a fool to think otherwise and at this point...girl, do you. As long as it's off my television screen. But just to let you know, Faun, we ALL tried to warn you. I was rooting for you. We were ALL ROOTING FOR YOU. Also, Lushion don't know where the hell the disc went (and Joey doesn't know what a disc is. ....BLEACH).

Julius shows up to Randal's house, who is still in that green fuck ass shirt, and asks him if his dad's really been cheating all these years and if he has a sister. Short answer, Randal says yes. When Julius goes to the hospital he finds out that his father's will doesn't involve him and clearly that drives his fine mad dog ass mad. My sweet sis Miss Tilda (Quan's mom's name, she's earned my respect to learn her name) marches in, calls him out for threatening his father and gets him the fuck stepping. YES. MA'AM. STUNT. You think that's lipstick on her mouth? No girl, that's the blood of all the bitches she's taken down before breakfast. This woman is a pureblood savage and I am living for her crazy black mammy titty ass.

I'm going to skip past all of the cutesy friendship stuff because honestly all I think of when I see Kelly, Esperanza, Natalie and Alex laughing together is how nobody went to check on Marcie. Or gives a fuck, or even noticed that she went absolutely insane. The real meat of the scene is Alex (repeatedly) saying that she's going to protect her child from Randal at all costs. She refuses to let him see his son (not that we can blame her!!!!!!!!) and...that's it. That's basically all she continuously says in the five minute scene. And while it was bad ass, the whole mama bear thing, the first three times...it started getting a little repetitive. Speaking of Marcie (aka this week in Brad & Marcie Take East Atlanta), when is she going to get a drink back in her hand? Either that or someone needs to piss her off or she needs to become a therapist and preach about saying no to fuck boys. That scene with her and Brad was a little amusing because Brad clearly just wants to get in her pants but Marcie clearly just wants to change her pants. She's doing everything in her power to push Brad into forgiving Alex. But I thought these two were supposed to be living together? If she's a realtor and she was picking out a condo for the TWO of them, wouldn't Brad have a room and not have to sleep on the couch? (?!?!?!?!!)

Pete's still in a coma, Tina the horse is still watching him, Ben's still a yam, Eddie's still dirty. I went into the elevator scene with Julius and Eddie expecting a little more crazy because these are two of the most insane characters on the show. It was definitely an episode highlight but it still left me a little dry after it was done. I'm looking forward to Julius fucking shit up after his father's dead. Speaking of that...Julius took a pillow and said fuck you to all sense of humanity by attempting to smother him to death (it's not clear if the dad died or not). But, I mean...can't say I give a damn.

I have no idea what's been going on with the show lately but it's in a rut. Maybe the issue is that lately there's been three interesting things happening each episode and OWN spoils it in the preview. Maybe Tyler's saving all the good stuff for the finale. Maybe this is just the way the show is developing. All I know is that this show was one of my favorites last year and it's losing some of that batshit balls to the wall crazy that made it such a thrill in the first half of this season. Come on, Tyler, you can do it!

Boy, you betta bleach:
-Natalie gotta bleach that couch AND Mangoneta's bed?!
-"Take her to the movies!" "I don't have no money!"
-Quan better bleach is damn self. Did he forget Joey kicking his whole entire black ass last season?

Brad is a savage:
Brad is a horny bore.

Eddie is the best:
He's not.

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