Monday, December 7, 2015

The Voice US: Top 9 Live Show (TEAM ADAM)

The Voice is really pushing it with their clear special treatment of Team Adam, and Adam is pushing it with his very special treatment of Jordan. Jordan is amazing but that doesn't give Adam the right to absolutely just bow down to him on stage, that really just irritated me.

Oh gosh, is this the direction we are going in? We all know how much I adore Shelby Brown and how underrated I think she is but I don't want her to go in this route. Don't get me wrong because I love me some Jesus, but I don't want her to take the direction of the "worshiper" who some people can relate to really well but others just fast forward it because "oh, it's the God song again." I don't want that to come off as offensive but I also just don't want her to be branded as that, considering both of her songs have been churchy.  I think as a contestant, Shelby's biggest enemy is herself because she is way way too in her own head. Take her rehearsal, for example. She was so focused on not messing up that it made her mess up a little bit. Once she lets loose and allows herself to have some fun then I think she'll be a serious competitor but right now I feel like she's just sailing by every week by this much (and by this much I mean a small much). Of course they put her near the beginning of the show again, because why give other people (aside from Jordan and Zach) later slots? She looked absolutely amazing, she sounded absolutely amazing as well. I think she's really been working on her vocal control because it didn't seem as if she was being eaten up by that big voice she has. Vocally the song was perfect for her, right in her comfort zone. The song felt a little long but she pulled it off as best as she could, hitting a few very very beautiful notes. (7/10)

I think it was pretty annoying that I was able to predict Amy was going before Jordan. I think in general it was pretty annoying that they saved two of Adam's acts until the end of the show. Biased, much? I'll get into this more in Jordan's review because I actually love everything about Amy so I won't really get into the negative stuff from The Voice's perspective. I think it was an excellent idea to have her pull back from the flashy rearrangements this week. My only concern is my hope that this doesn't end up costing her votes because that's what people have been used to so far. I like the fact that even with her limited vocal range, because let's admit it - she isn't a belter, but she was able to subtly turn the song into something gorgeous and create a very nice moment for herself. The mood she set was able to match her smooth and silky tone. I think her and Adam absolutely have been masterful in how they've played her role in the competition. They've allowed her to have moment, after moment, after moment every single week. (8/10)

They are really pushing for this guy to win, aren't they? I love Jordan as a person but I really wish that they would be a little more subtle in the way they pushed for certain people to win. They pushed Christina Grimmie to be the frontrunner and now they're doing it with Jordan. I hate to stay in this negative vein with Jordan because I really like him and think he's great but it's The Voice that's just pushing me to be kind of annoyed with his presence because they act as if he's better than the rest of the contestants. Vocally, there's no doubt that he is the number one in the competition but this is a show about fairness and him getting pimped out towards the end of the show and never having one ounce of criticism thrown his way (to be fair, I don't think they've ever criticized anyone on this show...) just grinds my gears a little bit. That being said, I think he deserves it (yes, deserves it. That does NOT mean I think he SHOULD be getting special treatment) and the fact that he is so humble is a testament to what a great person he is showing himself to be. I'm going to have to ride with Jordan again tonight, though. Because if you didn't get chills from the cold opening he gave us and the choir opening up allowing for him to make his way through...why didn't you? It was nice to hear his voice in a different genre and see him do a little more than just look like he's about to cry because the song is just, you know, so powerful and means so much to people. He sort of moved around the stage and I'll be damned if I didn't hop up from my couch and jump around when he hit that final crazy last few moments of this song. His falsetto is incredible. It was more than a little much to have the choir circle around him with jazz hands...but his voice is incredible and you cannot deny that. Shut up, Adam, by the way. You're doing the most when you hype him up like it's the queen of Elizabeth and Amy and Shelby are just sitting around, like nodding. The Voice makes me want to rank this performance much lower but, dude, Jordan earned this (9.5/10).

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