Friday, November 27, 2015

Survivor: X Factor Edition (Top 5)

Welcome to another week of The X Factor's Survivor!

In my opinion, the girls have been on fire these past few weeks. They took on Beyonce and Christina Aguilera and, instead of doing their obvious over singing with vocals that need some serious cleaning up routine, they allowed for their personalities to shine through and brought some serious sass and dance moves. They could benefit with changing up their routine to show their versatility. I would love to hear them calmly do an acoustic or stripped back version of a song. If they could even arrange it themselves, that would be great. I do agree that they've been doing a lot of up tempo, but does it really matter? Clearly it's been working for them and why mess with a good thing? These four have been kicking it up a notch week after week and hopefully they can keep the momentum going. Even if they don't, they still already have all the support so what am I even saying, dude?

Okay, so, pardon my French, but.....what the holy fuck? How did Che Chesterman end up in the bottom two? I wasn't a fan of his arrangement of "Yesterday" by the Beatles, but he delivered a strong vocal and gave a good enough performance, so I have not idea what's going on in the world. What could he possibly change about him to make more people love him? He has an incredible voice and he proved he can also do up tempo songs when he did "Ain't No Mountain High Enough/Tears Dry on Their Own" so what else is there to do? Well for starters he can stop singing songs from back when his parents were children. He's got a great voice but all his songs have been dated thus far (Ain't No Mountain, Can't Hurry Love, When a Man Loves a Woman, Yesterday). I'm pretty sure all of those came out in the sixties. And maybe a little less over singing and focus less on the riffs and the runs and his falsetto. While all those things are great, we got way too much of it during his sing off song. I understand he pulled out all the stops but I hope that's a one and done type thing. That's the only thing I think can help him out at this point because he's doing everything else flawlessly.

Let's not talk about her gorgeous voice because...flawless. There was a moment when she was singing "Let It Go" where I got a little uncomfortable. Not because of the staging, not because she was stiff, not because her vocals suffered at all. It was her eyes. Louisa would stare daggers into each of the cameras and do this thing with her hand and it just shouted out "fake" to me. She looked like she was really playing up the emotions (that I told her to tap into last week, awk) and it looked like she was trying way too hard to smile or something. Yeah, cut that out. "Everybody's Free" was fantastic because it came out of absolutely nowhere. Sure, she'd been singing ballads and knocking them out of the park already, but there was so much emotion that was pouring out of her that it just made it so compelling to watch. That's the emotional performance Louisa should have. Simon told her this week was her "moment", I think it was last week because that performance was absolute gold. Louisa has the public support so I'm sure she could get away with one, or even a few more, performance(s) like that so I'm not worried. Just a few notes.

Lauren needs to have some fun. Or at least look like she's having fun. For the past few weeks she's come across as a bit unauthentic to me. She sounds pretty good but she looks like she's being forced to sing all these slow songs that won't let her break out of her shell. I'm not saying Rita is shoving these ballads down her throat, it just looks like Lauren would rather be doing something that suits her big personality. Back in the first live show, Rita said that (the bubble gum, pink, Beauty School Dropout set) was all her and that's what she wanted so I'm not sure why she's been doing all these ballads lately. Her voice is pretty big but at least once or twice in every song she's done (that wasn't Week 1), her voice either cracked, she was majorly off key, or was reaching for a note that was on the top shelf. I think she would benefit with some performances that didn't necessarily rely solely on her voice but also on her personality because she has a chance to really shine. And if she's going to be peaking in the competition, now's the time to do it because Louisa, Che and 4th Impact have been the top dog front runners up until this point. If she can do something that pushes her ahead of everyone this week, it might be game over.

They don't have to do anything different (mostly because Cheryl explicitly said you're not going to see anything different from them) and that's a good thing, for the most part. Every week they've brought a nice tension release that this dramatic as hell show could use. Clearly the public are in love with them (but really, more votes than Che?). They're just going to keep doing them and I'm cool with it as long as they don't end up looking and sounding like a bunch of monkeys.

Jukebox night tomorrow! The audience picks the songs for the contestants. Also judges picks too. Here are the song lists, thanks to ITV!

Judges choice:
-Che Chesterman "Try a Little Tenderness"
Really, Nick? Obviously he'll kill the song and run over it again with his vocals but it's such an old song and it's basically the same thing he's been doing over and over again.

-Lauren Murray "TBA"
-Louisa Johnson "Jealous" (Labrinth, not Nick Jonas)

-4th Impact "Fancy/Rich Girl"

-Reggie N Bollie "Dynamite"

Viewer's choice:Boys:
-Che Chesterman "Hello"
GOOD JOB, EVERYONE. One of the most current and most, if not the most, popular songs in the world right now. Yes please. My body is ready.

-Lauren Murray "Firestone"
-Louisa Johnson "Love Yourself"

-4th Impact "I'll Be There"
-Reggie N Bollie "Watch Me (Whip/ Nae Nae)"

I really hope 4th Impact strips this song back and allows the beauty of it to shine and don't over do it with the vocals. Reggie N Bollie, I beg of you, don't turn this into a mess because the public set you up for this one.

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