Monday, November 23, 2015

Survivor: The Voice Edition (Top 11)

Well, we don't have any people of color left on the show. Great. America doing your thang like usual. That's my only problem with the Top 11 so far, because it was time for Mark Hood to go. He was clearly a fun and great edition to the show but he was never "himself" just a mixture of 7 different artists every time he performed. There isn't a very wide variety of contestants but they're all special and unique in their own special ways. Once again, these are just my own opinions, I am in no way affiliated with The Voice!

I think Amy could be this season's Christina Grimmie. Grimmie clearly had the stronger voice but Amy has the upper hand when it comes to class, style and being unique. Her voice is very different and interesting to listen to. By this season's Grimmie, I mean I think she should stick to rearranging well known songs (not all R&B/Hip Hop) and making them her own because she struck gold last week with "Hotline Bling."

She has the voice, she has the sass, what she needs now is to be remembered. I would love for Shelby to have the pimp spot (last performance of the night) and sing a ballad showing off her incredible voice, wicked range and add some sass to her. She's proved that she can command a stage, she just needs something that isn't so generic (which she is more than capable of doing).

Jordan, son, do whatever the hell you want. It's Jordan's competition to lose right now. I have been nitpicky about his song choices and him just doing ballads (but he's placed in the top 3, for my rankings, every single week so far). He has a formula, and he's sticking to it and it's paying off big time so unless he absolutely just decides to do Slash this week, he can basically do whatever he wants and it will be amazing.

I just need The Voice to start marketing him as less of "the pretty boy" and more of "an actual competitor." He's basically every boy band from The X Factor USA right now and it's starting to get a little annoying. I think he just just stick to whatever the Elvis Presley stuff was from Top 24 week because it was fantastic and he's a great performer. He has a nice range but he's strongest when it comes to performing a song well.

Barrett connects with emotional songs and America is a sucker for a family man. I think he needs to stick to what he's been doing so far (maybe he can do an uptempo, but nothing too wild).

So am I the only one who doesn't notice Emily that much? Apparently she's a lot of people's favorite and she's actually not that bad. Like I said last week, I am glad she's around because I would really start to get to know her better and like her better as a contestant.

Lol, hey Braiden. Braiden surprised me this past week. He came across as an actual rocker and it wasn't completely laughable. I think Braiden can get by on the cute little kid thing for a while no matter how his performances go. And, Braiden, please stop perming your hair or whatever. Let's see the real you! Unless this is your decision because I just feel like Gwen keeps going "oh, maybe this would be cute?" and, you know, it isn't.

Okay, so Korin is pretty cute? Like I love her has a person whenever I see her clip packages. Her sing off song was absolutely brilliant for her voice. I'm not sure what she can really do at this point besides keep doing her and hoping it catches on because she's actually a solid performer, the public just doesn't seem to be behind her.

Jeffery, baby, just keep doing you. I didn't enjoy his performance last week as much as I would have liked to but it's cool because I still love Jefferey. He just needs to stick to his guns and hope it pays off because I don't know about America, but I've been enjoying the heck out of him so far.

I didn't like her as much as everyone else did last week. I just didn't feel right about her song choice. I really praise her for stepping outside of the box and away from the guitar because it proves she can do just more than just stand there and sing quietly into the mic and make little faces. The only thing I can say about how I'd like her to be handled this week is that I hope I like it, because I'm sure everyone else will, haha.

Hey Evan c: I think Evan should keep doing his crazy jumping up and down the place performances because they are quite fun. I like him as a guy and he has a nice little voice on him. I would love him to apply more of an emotional connection to his songs, but he's been killing it thus far so, whatever? Love you, Evan. c:

Welp, we'll see if they actually did any of this crap tonight when I do my review!

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