Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Bachelorette 13: Week 9 + Final Thoughts

 Disclaimer: Everything down below are my personal opinions. I'm in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially The Bachelorette, or ABC. Thank you to ABC for the pictures.

I really could just leave it at that. This tweet fully encompasses everything I felt about this season of the show at 10:59. This isn't going to super long and in-depth. I don't care enough about the outcome of the season to spend that much time on it. I didn't expect her to pick Eric, even though he was who I wanted her to end up with. Eric didn't come off as phony, he actually showed interest in proposing to her and Rachel just always seems super excited anytime he's around. I didn't see it at first but Rachel's insistence that they had something special translated and became clear around top six/hometowns to me. Alas, I knew it wasn't too good to be true and didn't blink twice when she sent him home. Leaving her with a man that has the sincerity of cheese and the one that continuously kept telling her he wasn't going to be ready to propose to her at the end.

My problem with Peter is: shouldn't he know himself? If you're the type of person that wants to wait until you're absolutely, positively sure that you want to propose (which I really, really respect) then why would you sign up for a 12-week long show whose seasons traditionally end with the man (um, you) getting down on one knee and proposing. I understand that it's a short amount of time and not everyone would be ready, but Peter knew full and well what he was signing up for when he...signed up for the show. The funny thing is that Peter is the root of the issue but the whole scenario just made Rachel look like a moron.

Rachel came into this season as a breath of fresh air. She was fun, she was smart, she was mature and she knew exactly what she wanted. There was no question about it. She wanted to find love and she wanted to find a husband. The funny thing about love is that you can't manufacture it. You can't say: "Oh, this is what I want! This is what I'm going to have!" Love isn't black and white like that. Rachel, who has displayed so much emotional maturity throughout the entire season, came out looking like an absolute sucker. You could see in her eyes and her soul how much she wanted things to work out with Peter. Why didn't she? Because she wanted a ring. Because she wanted to come out of the season with a fiancé, not a boyfriend. I wish her and Bryan the absolute best but as a viewer this was a very, very (interesting, but...) disappointing finale. 


It's been great finally getting through an entire season of a Bachelor show! I probably won't be taking the trip to paradise this season, when it comes to recaps, but who knows? Thanks to everyone who read and I'll see you when I see you, Bachelor Nation!

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