Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for episode nineteen of Big Brother 19 after the jump! Everything down below are my personal opinions. I am in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially CBS and Big Brother. Thank you to CBS for the images.
"So, I'm annoyed." I've never related to Elena as much as I did when she said this.
Josh starts the episode crying. I guess he just couldn't bare the burden of all the meatballs he's been insulting by keeping their name in his mouth. Paul is excited because he knows Josh has been one of his puppets all season long so Josh being HoH is just like him being HoH. Elena and Mark are worried about their safety because Josh is pretty much insane. Josh seems to shown a bit of maturity the other day when he admitted that it was childish to try and provoke him with pots and pan but Mark still isn't completely sold. Josh, Paul and some irrelevant people are discussing Mark and Elena in the have nots room. The chatter comes to a halt when Mark walks in. What happens next is just an abomination. It almost gave me a charlie horse to re-watch Alex' travel sized ass storm into the room and gloat about how mad Mark and Elena looked...right in front of Mark's face. Are you...dumb? Alex must have left her glasses in the diary room because how she missed that 220 pound of meat right in front of her face is beyond me. I fell out of my seat laughing at watching her run damage control. They go off and Alex turns it into her not trusting him because he continues to be a floater on both sides, successfully not spilling the beans that he and Elena aren't truly in the house's biggest alliance.
Josh is mad that Elena came up to him and asked if she was safe or not because he believes she is working with Jess and Cody and upset that she voted against him a couple of weeks ago. Everyone agrees that there are four clear targets (Jody, Mark and Elena) and Christmas says that Josh is going to have a hard time figuring out who he's going to put up. That's when Paul chimes in and tells Josh to listen to them (him) because they're not going to steer him on the wrong track. Christmas just gained 834 brownie points with me. After she hears Paul say that you can visibly see her tense up as she complains in the diary room about how they should have a discussion instead of Paul telling Josh what to do because it's his HoH, not Paul's. Josh finally confronts Elena to her face about her voting against him a few weeks ago when he and Ramses were on the block. After she explains that everyone was telling her to vote him out, while they went behind her back and voted Ramses out without her knowledge. Even after she tells him this he's still mad at her. She chalks it up to the name of the game, whereas he makes it personal. He tells her if it were her in the situation he would have voted Ramses out without a question no matter what the house says. I don't believe that, but we'll move on anyways.
Josh tells Christmas and Paul he'd "love" to get Elena out before Jessica and Cody. You can just see Paul starting to malfunction as he tries to plant seeds back in Josh's head to steer him back on his plan to get Jessica out. Christmas, at this point, doesn't care who goes home as long as it's not someone Paul tells Josh to get out. When Paul leaves, the second the door hits the frame she grabs Josh's hand and tells him not to listen to Paul and to play his own game. They get to talking later and she cements the idea in his head even further that he needs to play his own game and not let anyone else, especially Paul, influence him. This effectively persuades him to continue pursuing Elena as his target. Why? I have not reason. He claims it's because she tried to vote him out the other week and that she's "trying to get information" out of him, a "great" liar and that she can "defend" her case. Why is all of that completely ridiculous? We'll get into that a little more later. We're not there yet but, bitch, we're going to get there.
Jessica and Cody devise a scheme for one of them to win the Temptation Game and the other to end up on the block so they can play during the Veto competition, assuring them safety for the week. Everyone else agrees that they have to work hard to make sure they don't win either so everyone agrees to play in the Temptation Games this week! They have to separately search in the house, in the dark while fake monsters pop up to scare them, and find clues to lead them to an objections they're meant to place in a treasure chest in the fastest time. Raven's used to this because she's a professional ghost hunter (LMFAOOOOOO), the ghosts make Jessica want to poop and this is absolutely perfect for Cody because he's so emotionless at this point nothing can scare him into slowing down. Did anyone else bust out laughing when Kevin reached into the jar to pull the heart out while everyone else just put the jar in the treasure chest? Speaking of hearts, isn't it ironic Cody was looking for a heart when he doesn't have one? Thank you, I'll be here all weak! Cody wins, leaving Elena and Mark stressed out because they don't have guaranteed safety this week and Jessica in last place (meaning she's on the block -- right according to plan for Jody).
What would be the point of cracking jokes about lying, deranged ass Josh at this point. I'll just state some simple facts before we really dig into what an absolute abomination he is for television. Not him as a person, him as a competitor on this show. He's not right in the head. He's proved time and time again he only talks to swish the spit in his mouth. More than half of the time nothing substantial comes out of his mouth. He covers up the idiotic language by shouting at the top of his lungs to make it seem as if he's actually saying something worth being said. The whole last fifteen minutes with Elena could have been avoided if Paul and Josh actually sat down and came up with an actual reason to use her as a pawn. Paul didn't really care if she went up but Josh had absolutely no real reasons. He claimed earlier she was trying to get information out of him whenever they spoke. Isn't that the name of the game? He says she's a great liar. Dude...look at yourself in the mirror. And most importantly she can "defend her case". Bitch, if she can defend her case then how is she lying? Defending her case well means she's hitting you with facts as to why she isn't lying. Josh has absolutely no real basis for anything he's saying about Elena and, well, anything at all. If you want my honest opinion as to why he's targeting her I'll give it. If you've been watching the live feeds you've probably seen Josh shamelessly flirting with Elena day in and day out and clearly she doesn't want his musty ass. I think he's just mad and he's using her vote the other week as a reason not to trust her because at the end of the day, Josh is an immature child.
When Paul told her that she was being considered as a "pawn" because they need strong competitors for the veto, even Elena said out of her mouth that she's not shit when it comes to competitions. Paul also happens to mention (lie) that he offered himself up but that Josh insisted on using him instead. Of course Elena is confused and smells something not right in the water because if that's the case, why put her up? She, correctly, tells Josh that Alex and Paul are stronger at competitions so they would make better pawns. Paul comes into the room and Josh uses this as a moment to try and defend his case of not trusting Elena by screaming at the top of his lungs that Elena was just telling him to put Paul and Alex up on the block. Technically this is true, but taken completely out of context. Using the logic that Josh was planning to put her up on the block as a pawn because he needed a strong competitor, she offered him up someone who has clearly been better at competitions than she has. She not only says this, she stressed it to him. Josh's brain is either the size of a meatball or he's so hellbent on getting her out of the house he's tangling up everything she's saying and creating an entire new narrative to make her look bad. This is one of the reasons I find that show to be so hard to watch sometimes. Josh claims to be angry about her voting against him, even after she's told him that the entire house lied to her and she was trying to keep a target off of her back. He even said that she was "defending her case" well but he still uses it as a reason to want her out of the house. SHE IS NOT LYING. I may not like Elena but I don't like Josh targeting her for such an insignificant, if not invisible, reason. If I was Elena I would have picked up a chair and thrown it at him when he asked her "why [is she] so upset?" ASDFGHJKL;
Josh ends up nominating Mark and Elena. No surprise there. Josh calls Mark a meatball and he tells Elena not to be worried because she isn't his target (lie). Then, clean the fuck out of nowhere, Josh starts giving his opinion on Jessica. The monologues at the end of Sunday episodes are to explain why the HoH chose the two nominees to go up on the block. Jessica was already on the block. No one asked Josh to open his mouth and cause the flies on the wall of our homes to be killed by exhaustion because they have to listen to him speak more. I want Josh out of this house and placed into intensive therapy.
Entertaining but aggravating as hell!
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