Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for episode fifteen of Big Brother 19 after the jump! Everything down below are my personal opinions. I am in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially CBS and Big Brother. Thank you to CBS for the images.
Jessica's out here in the Big Brother streets with a pumped up chest, following Paul's HoH win. She's smirking, telling everyone she has the power to keep her and Cody safe for a couple of weeks. Knowing that they're probably his first targets to go up on the block, she uses this (very vague) information to attempt to manipulate him into using two other people so she can save the halting hex until next week if she absolutely needs to use it.
Josh has a sour look on his face after the eviction, asking Mark and Elena if they're upset that he's still in the house. Prior to eviction night, Josh was annoying every last living fuck out of Mark singing carnival attraction music and hitting pans together to try and get a rise out of him. Mark's in distress-mode, knowing that he has to endure the tornado that is Josh's personality for at least another week. Mark and Elena feel betrayed by the house because they didn't know about the plan to send Ramses home, even though they were the ones hopping from dildo to dildo (Cody to Paul, Paul back to Cody) the second Cody got back into the house. To be fair, Elena never looked to keen on going back to Cody she just seemed to be following Mark. I'm assuming for this reason, she begins ignoring Mark because she thinks he's to blame for not being in on the Ramses-eviction plan. Mark asks Matt if they're good and Matt nods in his face, but says in his confessional that he doesn't trust Mark because he isn't good for his "game". What game would that be, Matt? Making out with Raven? Wearing orange tank tops? Licking the side of your lips every sick seconds? Losing competitions? You're not good for your game.
Paul is running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to figure out what Jessica's temptation is. Cody tells Paul he has Mark's loyalty and that he shouldn't be his target for the week. Paul shrugs, invites Cody to leave the room and invites Alex in. Now that he has Cody campaigning for him, he absolutely feels like he can't trust Mark anymore. He devises a plan to split Mark and Elena up, leaving Mark a lone wolf, by telling her that Mark is spoiling her game by being associated with him. Elena takes the bait and gives us a wonderful monologue about how she's not going to let some guy she just met ruin her chances at winning Big Brother. That's fine. I would have nothing but respect for her, if she wasn't so gullible and this was actually her idea. All of what she says, and the possible respect I could have had for her, is completely flushed out by the fact that Paul manipulated her into these feelings (and that he did it so easily...). Paul concludes that her temptation is probably something along the lines of them being able to pull themselves off the block after he's nominated them, like he had, so he decides to nominate them to test his theory out.
The temptation games are introduced to the house guests. Everyone is able to chose whether or not to participate. The winner receives immunity for the week and the person who comes in last place automatically becomes the third person to be put up on the block. Anyone else who plays basically wasted their time and energy. Cody wants to play but Jessica asserts that if they want to look as confident as possible that they're safe this week, neither of them can play. Each time someone goes into the Den of Temptation they try to make it a mystery whether or not they decided to play. In the end, Jason, Alex, Mark and Matt. All four of them dress up as ballerinas, spin around on a handle for fifteen seconds and try and play an intense, six flags esque, game of bowling. The faster they can knock down four pins the better. Jason finishes in three minutes, Alex finishes in 1 and a half minutes, Matt finishes in two minutes and Mark finishes in first place at a minute, eighteen seconds. Meaning: Jason goes up on the block, Mark has immunity this week and Paul (believes he) has to pick someone else to replace Jessica and Cody if they pull themselves off.
Cody tells Mark that Paul was livid when he won the temptation game. Jessica proclaims that it has to be the four of them (including Elena) against the rest of the house, even though Elena has already hopped right onto Paul's dick bicycle thinking she's racing to the finish line. She's racing to hell. The big squad is trying their best to run damage control, thinking that all three of their possible nominees are going to be useless up on the block. In true Paul fashion, after letting her believe that she's joined in on the alliance he throws her name out first to go up on the block. Alex and Matt offer themselves up to be pawns. Jessica and Paul have been playing the absolute dumbest game of cat and most. Jessica goes up to him multiple times and they discuss her temptation. Well, it's more of Jessica saying "I have this amazing power to keep me and Cody safe that I'm not going to explain at all to you" while Paul sits there confused and passive aggressively saying "okay, cool."
Paul is making "big boy" moves this week. His words, not mine. He nominates Jessica and Cody. Instead of giving them a reason, he tells them that he and the house were very interested to see what the temptation was. They wanted to know if it was real and since nothing happened after he nominated them, he verbally proclaims his confusion. Jessica just smirks, Cody says he's "sure" they'll be confused, Paul nods, Elena's just glad she's not on the block and Mark is still just sitting there licking his lips without any sleeves on.
Stray notes:
-I wish Christmas agreed to play in the games, only to find out she couldn't. Seriously, though, please go home and heal yourself properly.
-Did anyone else laugh when Alex was in her confessional, telling us Paul's plan like she came up with it with him?
This week in "Matt: I'm a team player"
-Much like the common dog, when Paul calls out his name, Matt sits still and looks up at his master. He brought up the idea of Matt playing in the temptation games, so they'd have more numbers on their side, and Matt's actual response it: "I'll do anything you want."
-He offers to put himself up on the block for his master/his savior.
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