Thursday, July 13, 2017

Big Brother 19: Week 3 Recap (Wednesday)

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for episode seven of Big Brother 19 after the jump! Everything down below are my personal opinions. I am in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially CBS and Big Brother. Thank you to CBS for the images.

After nominations are announced, the house is kind of in a weird spot. Paul's plan to backdoor Cody still works in theory, but if Ramses is able to win the veto and scoop himself off the block, the plan is screwed. Cody and Jessica are basically deflating on themselves right now, admitting that the only chance they have of staying in the house is Ramses winning the veto competition or one of them having their names get pulled and winning. Paul's basically running the house now, which is kind of annoying to watch, and asks Ramses to throw the veto. He agrees, but in his confessional he says he's still going to give it his all. While Paul's sitting in the HOH room with Kevin and Mark, Ramses pops his head in and goes back out. Paul points out that he does this often and that it's pretty dumb that he thinks no one is going to get suspicious. It looks like Paul is just being a bit of an asshole, but when I've watched Big Brother After Dark I was thinking the same thing. In all honesty, I don't think he's doing it to scheme around. He's kind of just like a kid, in the sense that if you give him enough sugar each day, he'll hop around and annoy absolutely anyone in his vicinity. Nevertheless, Paul starts to doubt trusting Ramses and sends Kevin to talk to Ramses. Kevin asks him what he's thinking and Ramses tells him, basically, he's a loyal hoe and that there's nothing to be worried about.

Everyone's called into the living room, and Vincent Van Hoe tells the house that the Den of Temptation was accepted and that Jessica, Jason and Cody have been cursed. It's like Big Brother is just spitting on the already rotting corpse that is Jessica and Cody's life in the house at this point. Well, until it's revealed that their curse is just a toad costume, hopping up and down and standing on lily pads for a week. Also, while dressed in ridiculous road costumes, Jody has a moment where they're talking to each other and being super sappy because they know their time together is probably limited. We don't care. We are not emotionally invested in horrible people. Fuck outta here. Go jump on a lily pad. Eat your slop. Be gone, demons.

At the pre-veto meeting, much to the chagrin of Jessica and Cody, in addition to the HOH and three people on the block, Matt and Elena are picked to play alongside them. Essentially what this means is that if Ramses doesn't win and pulls himself off the block, Cody is royally screwed. Like, home fry is fucked. You can see it on his face, while he's sitting down with that lopsided toad on his head. Did you see that episode of American Horror Story: Hotel when Max Greenfield got fucked to death? That's Cody's chances of staying in the house. Fucked. To death. Paul continues to beg, beg and also beg Ramses to throw the competition and do absolutely horrible. Ramses' best shot of staying past another week is to just cave and throw the competition. He knows that Cody is the target this week. He knows that everyone in the house, except Jessica, while vote to evict him. As a super fan, he should know that winning this Veto and pulling himself would put a target on his back. A target the size of the Target logo on the store. Long story short, the only thing dumber than playing will in the competition this week was not taking his glasses off when he got into the water during the competition. Bitch, really? Apparently he wasn't trying to play well and, even though Paul wins the veto, Ramses was so close to winning that he immediately finds his way on Paul's naughty list.

Ramses was visibly shaken when he almost won the veto. I don't believe that he was trying to do well, he just didn't anticipate everyone else to be so bad at the comp. 22 minutes, Elena? She would have been better off watching an episode of Seinfeld. My goodness. Ramses is desperately trying to run damage control, going up to Paul and assuring him that he had no intention on doing so well in the competition. Paul, much like McKayla Marooney, was not impressed in the least bit. For a split second, it looks like Paul is so sure that poor, poor, clueless, clueless Ramses has turned into the week's main target. But if Paul has any sense, which he clearly does, he knows that Cody is a strong player and could easily take HOH if he stays another week and Ramses would, well, also be in attendance to the evening's festivities. The post-veto meeting is just, girl, the only word I have is mess. Paul gives them all a chance to pitch their pleas to him to use the power of veto on them. Alex and Ramses pitch, but my sweet sister, Joshua, just went absolutely the fuck off. He said what you'd expect him to say. He called Cody out for blowing the house up and lying on him, he called out Jessica too. Instead of actually owning up to their shit, of course they gave everyone even more of a reason to dislike them be egging him on and taunting him as he spoke, instead of being the mature women that the two of them claim to be compared to Josh. Josh is just such an easy target into manipulating a reaction out of him that I can't even blame them at this point. Paul swoops in and replaces Josh with Cody, which gets a disrespectful clap from Josh. If Cody actually gets eliminated, I wouldn't put it past the producers to find some way to keep the biggest ratings grab they have in the house, I would be really interested to see what happens next. Yes, Cody is the scum of the Earth, but he had a point when he was talking in his confessional. He and Paul are the only leaders in the house. The entire season has revolved around the two of them and the people closest to them in their circles. I don't even know if I've seen Dominique blink yet.

Stray notes:
-"Does anyone want meatballs? I know you do."
-Is it just me or were Josh's confessionals extra aggressive and extra golden this week? His final one was the cherry on top of this episode.
-Poor Ramses was lying through his teeth. Kevin looks like a purse.
-Alex and Ramses' face during Josh's monologue. My goodness. Same.

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