Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Bachelorette 13: Week 5, Pt. 2 Recap

Disclaimer: Everything down below are my personal opinions. I'm in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially The Bachelorette or ABC.

TWO-ON-ONE (Cont.)
Kenny is still doing his absolute best at his audition for all three of the hyenas on new The Lion King remake while he walks over to Lee. Kenny is absolutely heated from the Lee's been spitting out to Rachel, and when she comes over to talk to them he emphasizes that he hasn't been lying, which is just hilarious. She sends Lee home, obviously, and he really and truly couldn't give less of a fuck. Look. whether or not Kenny was in the situation, I feel like Lee just never had a chance in hell with her. Subtracting Kenny from the situation, I can't think of one instance where I felt like he and Rachel had any type of real connection. They didn't, because he wasn't trying, because at a certain point it just became about antagonizing Kenny and Kenny was dumb enough to actually fall for it. Lee tries to pick ANOTHER fight with Kenny after she sends him home and Kenny is about to fall for it AGAIN until Rachel shuts it down. Rachel still hasn't made up her mind about giving Kenny the rose and they walk over to the helicopter (and I guess they just leave Lee there to rot with the snakes in his natural habitat). But when they get there, Kenny seals his fate with Rachel and goes back to say a final "goodbye" to Lee. At this point, I'm not really on his side anymore because at this point he wasn't doing any of this for the right reason anymore either. Rachel was understandably pissed off by the fact that Kenny was giving Lee exactly what he wanted by letting his temper flare up. The only good thing that came out of this was me never having to see Lee again (well, until the men tell all special).

Rachel and Kenny meet up afterwards and she confronts him about not walking away from Lee. He claims he doesn't have a short fuse, but his fuse is about as long as my respect for Iggy. So it's basically nonexistent at this point. In mu honest opinion, he pulled an Iggy by sacrificing time with her just to put more into a feud that was already over but he still ended up getting the rose.

Adam (?)
Matt (?)

I could have sworn the producers were going to make her keep Josiah's ignorant ass the way he was yapping. It made it all the more sweet when he got eliminated. Also, if Eric, Will and Kenny are the only black dudes left in the season Eric might be right with her not choosing one of them...

Eric gets the one on one and they go on a boat ride. Honestly, I felt like he was boring her the entire time and they really didn't connect. Eric just reminds me of a high schooler creeping on Rachel because she's fine as hell. Eric tells her that he has mommy issues and that he's never been in love but he thinks he's falling for her. I think they have potential but the chemistry is severely lacking and something is just missing. It makes me sad because Rachel seems dead set on giving Eric a chance.

GROUP DATE (Dean, Kenny, Bryan, Alex, Matt, Peter, Adam)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did anybody else physically roll on the floor when Adam thought he was getting the one on one but then his name got called out? I was cackling so hard. The group date consisted of a bunch of viking games. Adam and Kenny eventually went against each other and they both ended up giving each other the same cut on the eyebrow (which is where the famous Kenny bloody eyebrow shot is from, not an altercation with Lee). Like I said before, Kenny doesn't give me romantic vibes for Rachel. He gives me extended relative vibes. He comes to her after the date and tells her that he isn't sure where their relationship is going, that he's very uncertain and really misses his daughter. In the end they decide to send him home (that's three, for the black guy body count, if we're keeping score). Peter gets the rose. Okay.

Rachel and Will have a fun day out exploring the old friends. They weren't romantic at all, seriously lacking chemistry, looking more like two friends that just reunited after their high school reunion. They get to the top of a castle, look out at the view and....well, that's it. The most you get out of Will is a blink and the most you get out of Rachel is a cringe. She's not feeling this at all and it's obvious. When they go for dinner, they exchange stories about being black kids growing up in predominately white areas. Will's mostly girls outside of his race, but Rachel tells him that she's mostly dated chocolate guys. Then he kind of explains why he hasn't been touchy with her, because he's so used to having a physical connection that the emotional side usually lacks. But there's absolutely no physical connection with her, which she tells him when she sends him home. Black guy body count: 4.

Matt (WHO?!)

Stray notes:
Lee: "Jesus loves you."
Kenny: "Well Jesus don't love YOU."
Kenny: "I'm gonna drag my dick across your grace." Yikes??
-"You moving towards the oreos or the chocolate?" LMAOOO, KENNY, GIRL. THE ROSE
Rachel: "The most Will has done today is gold my hand. And even that's a stretch."

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