Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Daytime Divas: Shut It Down (1x04)

Disclaimer: Spoilers for this episode of VH1's "Daytime Divas" after the jump! If you haven't seen it, do not click any further (until you've seen it, then definitely read)! 

Heather and her husband are still at odds because he's living in the basement so he refuses to give his input on her outfits and go to events with her. When she gets back to work, she's a little intimidated by Portia, the guest co-host/possible replacement for Mo until they have a conversation where Portia tries to boost her confidence. With Portia having her back, she's able to stand up to Shawn and bump Nick Jonas' performance for a rib segment (okay...). Portia's a lesbian and with all this attention she's been giving Heather, Heather dreams up a fantasy of the two of them making out. I honestly thought it was real because Portia just seemed so fake when she was talking to her about the hush puppies and Brad. When Heather confronts Portia and tells her that she's not interested, she laughs in her face and tells Heather she's not her type and that she's already married. Heather eventually ends up confiding in the pastor at her listening party for her Christian single, hilariously titled "For God's Sake." He ends up telling her that she might not be a lesbian, she's just enjoying the attention from Portia before he tries to make a move on her. After they kiss, she slaps him and she goes out to perform her song. I would love to see Heather go down a path where she starts to question her sexuality and add an all new element to her character.

Once again, Nina and Shawn scenes are absolutely boring and bland until her evil husband comes in to save the plot. Nina's having morning sickness, while her husband forces her to go to some fund raiser. Shawn tries to get Andrew to let her stay home, asserting his position as her "producer," followed by Andrew laughing in his face and telling him that he already knows that Shawn's the father of her baby. Shawn gets passive aggressive and angry at her before the show, then she has cramps and goes to the hospital. When they get to the party, Andrew tells everyone that "he" and Nina are having a baby. Backstage, while Heather is about to sing, he tells Shawn that they're going to play this game his way before Shawn gets mad and punches him onto the stage (interrupting Heather's awful song at the perfect moment) and basically tells the entire audition that Nina's actually pregnant with his baby.

Maxine is still trying to get info on the book being written by her former assistant, Anna. After the two of them meet and Anna tells her she's getting ready to interview Sia, Maxine gets to the venue before her, steals the tickets and gives them to Leon. Anna throws a fit when she gets to the venue and gets thrown out while Leon is six feet away from her selling her tickets. Anna calls Maxine up and gloats about scoring an interview to have lunch with Sia, prompting Maxine to call Anna's people and give them the wrong address (to a METHADONE factory). The final nail in the coffin is Maxine meeting with the editor of the New York Times, who complains about Anna botching the Sia story, and plants seeds of doubt in his head which results in her getting fired. When Anna finally gives in, she gets Maxine to give her the position as the fifth co-host on the show, replacing Mo, firing Portia. Seriously, all of that happened in just this episode. Aside from Devious Maids, I can't remember the last time I've had this much fun watching two women just work to sabotage each other. Williams and Johnson work great together as enemies. Also, Maxine's ex-husband seemed to be abusive to her after she stopped paying attention to him when the show got popping. More on that when the show starts to focus on that!

Arguably the most fun side storyline of the night has to go to Kibby. Jessie (you guys have me fucked up if you thought I was calling her Maddie), her rival and former co-star, gets booked for the show for Kibby to apologize for a massive fight they had on set of the last show they were on together. Her sober coach, Julian, advises her to stop blaming Maddie for everything and to take responsibility of her actions which she agrees to do.Maddie shows up and is supper sweet to Kibby, calling them "frans," but the second this bitch walks out on stage to hug Kibby she flinches, claiming she has PTSD from when she beat her up. Kibby goes off script during her apology, revealing on national television that Maddie used to talk shit about her and call her fat, talked about the coke parties she used to through on set, making out with her boyfriend, throws shade at her spinoff getting canceled and how she gave his boyfriend the clap. Then Maddie's dumb ass tells everyone that he was the one who gave her herpes. After the show she tells Kibby to watch her back because the only reason she kept her role on the Outer Space show by being a huge slut. I never thought I'd say this but Kibby, by far, had the most over the top, campy, ridiculous storyline this episode and I was living for every second of it. The writers are cleaning her up quick!

-Leon: "Who's Sia, that bitch in the wig?" Sorry, that was kind of funny.
-Portia: "If we were the last two people on Earth and we had to reproduce, I wouldn't do it." 
-Kibby on knowing Portia because she's also a lesbian: "Yeah, we scissor together on the weekends."
-Kibby: "I want cocaine."
-Anna: "I buy expensive underwear now.
-Also, that crazy assistant who is selling Maxine's things online looks like she's after Leon now. -Without Mo, he's kind of pointless so who really cares?
-Speaking of which, WE NEED MORE MO. WHERE IS MO?
-Thank you to VH1 for the pictures!

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