Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Voice 10: Live Playoffs Part 2 (TEAM ADAM & PHARRELL)

Disclaimer: All these opinions are clearly subjective and I am in no way affiliated with The Voice or any other corporation. 

Last season I was getting the blog up and going so this time around I'm trying out a new format. Instead of using numbers, I'll be using letter grade for the performance "report cards" at the bottom of the post. The report card is basically a ranking of all the contestants who performed tonight. Anyways, on with the show!

Yikes. That was disappointing. Aside from one, two, maybe three, standouts this was a pretty lackluster episode to me. I don't think I've ranked people this many people so low in a long time, if ever. Tomorrow is a little difficult to determine because while a lot of the contestants struggled tonight, some have had excellent seasons so far. Maybe it was a nerves, may something wasn't too sweet in the Kool Aid but we'll see tomorrow night. On to the performances:

"When I Was Your Man"
So who's idea was it to get rid of Daniel? He has such a nice voice, he picked the perfect song to come back with. He's clearly not a belter (yikes, that transition into his falsetto during the pre-chorus) but when he got to the notes he was reaching for, it actually sounded gorgeous. He's also pretty smooth on that stage with a lot of potential to grow. B- 

"Still Crazy After All These Years"
She couldn't have picked a better song for her voice. The beginning with her and piano was pretty genius. I thought she sounded a million times better than her knockout. She has a knack for bringing new life to older song and her eyes alone are so engaging as she performs.   B+

"With a Little Help From My Friends"
Yo. This. Was. Dope. I got goosebumps in the first forty five seconds. There is a ridiculous amount of passion, rawness and grit in his voice that is undeniably engaging. I also live for his facial expressions and that little grove he's got going on stage up there. A-

"Love Yourself"
I actually really like Moushumi but this song did her absolutely no favors. The beginning sounded really shrill and breathy like her voice was going to fall off pitch at any second. Her striking facial features mixed in with the look she was sporting to the camera worked in her favor but that was pretty much it. C

"Love Is a Battlefield"
I don't know. I literally just don't know. There were parts I really liked (the growl) and parts I didn't really like (...essentially everything else she did vocally). She's like a Crystal Gem fusion on Steven Universe of a rocker who can sing and has a great stage presence and one who...can't. This performance was just way too up and down for me I had no idea how to feel, like, ever. Just like that last note. D+

This is a really tough call for me. On one hand, I really like him and I think he brings something great to the show. He has a really nice, soothing voice that I just sway along to happily. On the other hand, I wouldn't really care if he didn't make it past tonight. I like him, but I don't really care for him if that makes any type of sense. When Blake said "I think it's important you hit one chorus" I thought he was going to leave it there to throw. B-

If you're reading this, did you see where my wig went? I distinctly remember having edges before this performance. I swear, before the growl I could have sworn I had hair on my head. Her pitch was a little hit or miss, but who gives a fuck when you sing with that much conviction and passion? And the parts of her voice that crack/squeak, I absolutely love. She skilled it, man! A-

"Sara Smile"
He's a little awkward on stage. Awkward. A little like his falsetto. With some work he can actually have a pretty killer voice if he trained it a little more. The performance wasn't "bad", it just adds to more confusion as to why they have comeback artists. But, lol, y'all are rude on YouTube. It wasn't THAT bad. C

"All I Want"
Not bad at all, I just thought it was a little bit boring. Her voice sounded consistent and she hit the long note towards the end. Shrug. C+

"I'll Be Waiting"
Was this the girl with that absolutely gorgeous lower register? Um, yeah, what happened? Haha. Jokes aside, I thought it was a fun little performance but it left me a little cold because her voice sounded a little too rough for the song. I expected to love this performance. Caity, girl, stick to them low notes. C

Um, yikes. I really, really liked Brian during The Knockouts but what was this hot mess? The beginning was okay but the first few high notes he went for he was flat, then he got sharp. Then for the rest of the song it sounded like he was just above the note or just below it...but never quite on the note, where you should be.
I hit one high note but immediately after that the performance fell apart again to me. I felt the song, but by the end...I don't know what I was feeling besides tired. D

"Ain't No Way"
Bitch, Ain't No Way? I had to brace myself before I clicked on the video. Instead of snatching my wig like I was expecting, she took a little off the top. This song is all about emotion and hearing the frustration in the voice of the person singing it and it just distracted me from the emotion when she was straining to hit those notes. She has a fabulous voice but I expected her voice to shine a little more from it. This was by no means a bad performance, on a night like this it towered over almost everything else. B

12. Brian Nhira D
11. Lacy Mandigo  D+
10. Caity Peters C
09. Nate Butler C
08. Moushumi C
07. Caroline Burns C+
06. Owen Danoff B-
05. Daniel Passino B
04. Hannah Huston B
03. Emily Keener B+
02. Laith Al-Saadi A-
01. Shalyah Fearing A-

Team Adam: Shalyah Fearing, Laith Al-Saadi, Moushumi
Team Pharrell: Hannah Huston, Daniel Passino, Emily Keener

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