Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Haves and the Have Nots: The Water Runs Deep (4x01)

This was bound to happen. After so much insanity ensued on the season finale, I had no idea how Tyler Perry was going to successfully pull this season premiere off. There was a moment in watching the premiere where I just had to pull myself back and say "don't expect anything" because I've come to realize from this show that the seasons don't really begin to pick up until around the middle and it just keeps building and building until we're brought back into a premiere where someone is paying for their consequences, usually about four episodes. It was mentioned several times by several characters that the older "Haves" would be stuck in jail for the weekend. Knowing Tyler Perry (and Alex', from ILYIW, season long stay in the hospital that really took place over a few days) we might have to get used to seeing them tough it out in their cells. By all means if we get more Veronica being a bad ass, I'm all for it. 

Things picked up exactly where they left off, Jeffery "killed" Quincy and is freaking out and Candace has no time to show emotions because they have a body to get rid of. She explains that multiple stab wounds is more than just "self defense" and the judge will not see it their way, especially considering Jim Cryer is a judge and will do anything in his power to destroy Candace. I thought this would be an excellent opportunity for them to pull a fast one over us and have Quincy actually be alive and just escape but it turns out Quincy is actually dead and the cops come to the door at the end of the episode!

My favorite scene from the episode, shocker, involved Veronica and Katheryn as they were being processed. In all honesty, this scene was shady as hell on Tyler Perry's part. Making Veronica take her wig off and Katheryn take her girdle off. I know he had 40 minutes to fill but we really didn't need to be that, albeit inadvertently, shady to the two ladies! It made for some excellent exchanges with Angela Robinson, though. I absolutely love the way the show, and Robinson, has developed her character. She's shown hints of her coming from the streets (Chicago, I believe? I forgot). So either she's used to the process of being process or, well, she's a lawyer so she knows how the system works because it was painful to watch the bitchy cop unnecessarily tack on shitpile after shitpile to them. Their second scene together was just as iconic, with Veronica (being as smart as the cop pegged her out to be) telling Katheryn to shake her hand so that she could be her attorney so nothing they say in the jail could be used against them because Katheryn was just yapping and stuff. Considering they're stuck in jail for the "weekend", we might as well get used to them in the cell because they might be there for the whole Season 4A.

Um, I think the D.A. Jennifer or whatever, I'll be referring to her as Herpes from now on, is FourFiveSeconds away from getting on my last damn nerve because she's just ruining everything. Wyatt just got clean (that's debatable because just the other week, in the shows timeline, he was getting drunk for two or three days after he found out Amanda died) and now Herpes is working on giving him access to his inheritance. I despise the Cryer's as parents but Wyatt's ass is too crazy and too rude to have access to that money, so if I want the parents to get out of jail for anything it's to stop him from destroying half the damn world with that trust-fund. I think Maggie's desperation is really starting to show. "I'm a little surprised none of my tricks have been working...blah blah blah, I'm the good woman he needs." I like Maggie and all, it's not a stretch to say she's the good woman he needs but, I mean, she's going about it all the wrong ways. Politically wise, I'm on board with her plan to have Jim and Veronica take all the blame for it because they're Jim and Veronica. They're terrible people. I tweeted this before but the only person I care to see make it safely out the season is Katheryn because she's genuinely the best person on the show to me. Also maybe Benny and Wyatt but that's just because, yeah. When Landon said "damn" after seeing Ronnie and Veronica having sex in the car, I'm sure it was because he looked at Benny getting it on because, Benny is just, damn.

David needs to shut the hell up. I get that he's in love with Veronica, but Veronica clearly doesn't care about him in the least bit or at least he knows what a low down person he is after last season. She's blackmailing a girl to have a baby with Jeffery because she doesn't want him to be gay, blackmailing said son with prison time because she doesn't want him to be gay, and tried to set him on fire, I REPEAT: SHE TRIED TO SET HIM ON FIRE, because she was too insecure. Granted, with Maggie's advances to David - she kind of had a reason to be, but she still jumped too far too fast to conclusions. I'd like to believe that David is just a really, really good person as he keeps defending his "wife" but, I mean, she's a crazy bitch and deserves everything that would be coming to her. Plus, she tried to set his ass on fire. She. Tried. To. Set. Him. On. Fire. And burned their own house down.

Uh, I might get some flack for this, but I can't stand Hanna. I just think she's really annoying and a lot of what she says contradicts what she does. I know Candace has given her reason after reason not to trust her, but, girl. It's your daughter. I remember when I really stopped liking Hanna was when she refused to let Candace see Benny. I just, I don't like Hanna. Every time I see her coconut hard headed ass when she's doing a bad imitation of Mufasa from The Lion King being the voice of reason, I want to leave the room. I also appreciate how much pride she has, not staying with Benny or the Cryer's, but she has Q to look after now. I absolutely died when she said "I'm at a hotel." Girl, you know damn well you at a MO-tel. Mo to the, Tel to the. My personal thoughts on Hanna's story-line right now is that she should push her pride aside and just go stay with Benny because her pride isn't worth her losing Q. Can we talk about how glad I was he was asleep the whole episode? He's cute but his whiny voice send me into  shock every time he speaks. But yeah, the house is paid off for so Hanna shut up and just go stay with Benny. K? I'd move in with Benny in a heartbeat, but for different reasons, of course.

The best, and I mean absolutely best, part of tonight's episode was Katheryn's reaction to Veronica's wig. I know she's a supportive friend and everything but, girl, did you really think that was her hair? Veronica pulling the wig off had Katheryn like: 
"Can we talk about your hair?" "No."

So, let's be honest. Tyler Perry doesn't make "good" tv. He makes "entertaining" television. Aside from the opening and closing scenes, the hour was pretty boring and that's one thing you don't want from a show that isn't necessarily "good." So here's to more Veronica being crazy and Candace being a bad bitch this season? And maybe another "SHUT UP. DEMON. IN THE NAME OF JESUS."? Over the course of the past season, I've come to the conclusion that I'm more into If Loving You Is Wrong. I just think if Tyler Perry is going to make messy TV, we might as well have Marcie drinking, slapping old women, and having sex with white married men in sheds. But maybe I'll change my mind when HAHN inevitably hits it's stride in a few weeks.

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