Friday, December 4, 2015

Survivor: X Factor Edition (Top 4)

It's semi final's week! Welcome to this week's edition of The X Factor's survivor!

This should be the part where I continue to rave about 4th Impact's improvements week after week but unfortunately, that's not going to happen because of obvious reasons. Last week I said they didn't really need too much worry about them because of how enormous their fan base is, but I honestly think that, while their fan base is probably as big as I assume, the majority of them are Filipino and don't live the the UK. Most of the reaction videos from their music (and there are surprisingly a lot) seem to either be Filipino, some form of Asian, or American. I think regardless they will find success because they are a group of hard working, talented, high energy powerhouses. 

Che was supposed to be the shining light of this week. He was finally doing a contemporary number and give us a reason to prove he was "hip" to the times and all that hoogie boogie shit. Unfortunately, he let the pressure of singing such a big song (which he addressed that he felt he had so much pressure, in fact it was the first thing to come out of his mouth when the song was revealed to him, if I'm not mistaken) take a tole on him and forgot half the lyrics. He covered it up beautifully creating a series of runs and essentially creating a new melody for the powerhouse song, but the look on his face could tell he was so unsure of himself for the rest of the song and he fell flat (literally, tune wise) and the rest of the performance suffered. He picked it up again with "Try a Little Tenderness" and everyone raved about it (the judges, at least) but I didn't. Let's get one thing straight, he sang the hell out of it and it was on par with his other performances but it was just that. On par. He didn't exceed my expectations (like, say, Lauren did). He stuck to his formula but instead of innovating it and showing us why he doesn't deserve to be in the bottom again, he just recycled one of his old performances and was unable to give the performance charisma. I thought it was a nice touch, him trying to dance, but he looked very awkward. In order for him to stay safe this week, I really want him to step his game up because he can do this amazingly if he just sticks with songs (maybe ones from this century) and can create a vocally and physically charismatic performance. Che just feels like he's been coming to show nights after he worked a 9-5 at the KFC and had to take the 2 Train to get to the arena. I need him to do better, because he is capable of much better than what he showcased last Saturday (Sunday for the USA).

I was much too harsh on Louisa's performance of "Let It Go" these past few weeks. Maybe it was the critic in me looking for a flaw (because you have to search for one with this beautiful creature) and I thought I found one so I just ran with it. I was wrong. Her performance of Let It Go, the more I watched it (because I watched it a few hundred times this week cause wow) the more it captivated me. She turned the song from pretty epic, to winning performance epic. Anyways, this past week was just not Louisa's week. She fell ill and her vocals suffered. But even with that she managed to deliver better performances (and vocals) than Che, Reggie N Bollie (and, arguably) Lauren, aside from a few understanably botches notes here and there. I have to commend her because she had so much energy during her first performance you couldn't even tell she was sick (well, unless you heard her...which is kind of the point of the performance, but you get what I mean). Not only was the energy amazing, but it was a flawless contrast to the emotion and poise (and outfit) she had during her second performance (her rendition of "Jealous." The only reason I thought Jealous might not have worked was because of Josh Daniel's cover that should just remain untouched. Louisa gave two solid performances while physically not feeling solid and it's a testament to what a power house she remains to be in the competition. Her voice was nearly perfect and physically, she gave the impression that she was as happy as an energy bunny. This week, I hope her voice is feeling up to par again because I'd hate for such a strong vocalist to just fizzle out because she got hit with the Flu right before the final. The only thing she needs to work on this week is resting so that angel voice is in tip top shape come Saturday night.

I'm not sure why Lauren was in the bottom 2 this past week. That being said, I'm also not sure why 4th Impact were in the bottom. That being said, Lauren Murray not only gave one of her best vocal performances this season, but one of the best overall vocal performances of this entire season from anybody. I had no idea she was capable of that until this week (which was foreshadowed in the fact that, note wise, she hit everything on the mark during the performance show). That's what I love, and what pisses me off about the sing off. It gives a chance for the contestants to show off and try and do something extra to wow the judges, but why now? Why wait until you're on the verge of going home to pull out all the stops? In Lauren's defense, I already thought she pulled out all the stops on show night, but she proved me wrong when she took it up and even further notch with her rendition of Mariah Carey's Vision of Love. Rita, why didn't you give her this song for Love/Heartbreak week? I thought that Carey song was a terrible suit for her but this song would have fit the theme and showcased her vocal and star power even better. My advice to Lauren is to work with what she can. 4th Impact's fan base has kind of been going in on her, disliking the hell out of her amazing sing off performance on YouTube and low key dragging her on Social Media (it didn't help that she had the whole pushing one of them fiasco a couple of weeks back). Lauren needs to keep stepping her game up (and by that I mean, just don't suck) this week. If she can show as much passion (and energy, which she sort of lacked during her first song last week) she can still take the competition by storm and make her way to the finale. 

Like I keep saying, they don't have to do anything different because clearly the UK is just absolutely eating up everything they bring to the competition. I, personally, think it's time for them to go. They're live and every time they performance there's a lot of energy, but their performances are starting to ring together now. Every time they performance I expect to hear "This is Reggie N Bollie" in some rap form or another and a Caribbean beat. Their vocals could use a bit of touching up, but it's nothing so atrocious to write home about because their vocals are a lot better than one would think, coming from the group that was dubbed as "the joke act." I also think it's commendable that people were absolutely appalled (including me, to be honest) by the fact that they even made the top 12/13...but now they're one week away from the finale. I know it seems like I'm not writing enough for them, but it's just because they aren't really going to ever change up their formula, so why waste my fingers on typing a list of empty wishes I have for them if they're not going to make any of them come true?

Here is the song list, thanks to Telly Mix!:

-Che Chesterman "Would I Lie To You & Love Is a Losing Game"
-Louisa Johnson "This Is a Man's Man's Man's World & The Power of Love" (Not Celine Dion)
-Lauren Murray "Runnin' (Lose It All) & Best Of My Love" (Yay, upbeat!)
-Reggie N Bollie "Locked Away & I Got a Feeling/I Like to Move It"


  1. I'm not sure, but you might want to double check that you have Lauren and Louisa's songs right. According to what I've been reading (which could also be wrong) you have the girls' songs switched. Great commentary by the way. I enjoyed reading it. I agree it's time for Reggie and Bollie to go. Live they are fun, I guess, but "recording artists"? Ever closed your eyes and just listened during a performance? Would you buy the album? I wouldn't. Keep up the great work!

    1. First off, thank you so much for reading and your lovely and thoughtful reply! I most definitely agree. I stated in a previous review, they'd be an excellent opening to an awards show but I'd get a little too overwhelmed with an album of their songs (if they're going to be exactly the same). They give me more of a "one/two hit wonder." And another thank you for spotting my error, I really appreciate it. Hope you stop by more often!


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