Monday, November 16, 2015

Survivor: The Voice Edition (Top 12)

I've refrained from speaking much on the results of the results show from last week because I was just so depressed that Viktor went home. That being said, I understood why after Gwen phrased saving Korin the way she did. She wanted to pick the person she could most help out and Viktor has already established himself as knowing who he is and his brand so it's bittersweet, but I accept it. I thought about doing one of these after I did the X Factor last week but it's so hard to tell what will win a voter on The Voice. The only winners that I can think of that I even remotely cared for were Tessanne Chin, maybe Cassadee Pope and the dude who won in the second season, whose name I forgot. That's just a testament to how terrible The Voice markets it's winners, though. America just seemed to vote very blindly on this show. For now, I'm just going to generally say what I think each of the contestants can do to keep their streaks going hot, or how to reignite their fire. We'll see how that works come results tomorrow night!

I adore Amy, and I think America is decently fond of her as well. Adam loves her to death (clearly, as she was his one save). She's very unique but I think she comes of very cabaret. I honestly don't think she has that big of a chance to win the show because she's very old school. That's not a bad thing, I love old school and the way she carries herself with such class on the stage is very nice to see. My only problem is, where can her voice really go from here? Every week can't be her gliding across the stage to Frank Sinatra songs. That's no doubt her wheel house, and personally I love seeing it, but America has been known to get bored quite easily with that kind of stuff. I really hope she can survive for a while, she's a joy to watch.

Shelby fits the type of girls who have won this show so far (save for Tessanne). Pretty, big country voice and fun to have on stage. I think she would have been a shoo in to win (...Idol Seasons 1-6 or The Voice Seasons 1-4) but now, for whatever reason, girls just have to do more. It's not about (ironically) just having "the voice" anymore. You have to be able to adapt, perform, be unique. I think she has the first two down pact. The way she crossed genres last week was absolutely perfect but she comes off as basic, performance and vocally. Up until this point, she hasn't let me down. Her vocals absolutely soared during "Jesus take the Wheel" and they soared last week as well as establishing her emotional state during the song. I think she's very safe for now.

I've already said this, but Jordan's a one trick pony. He has killer vocals and near perfect pitch but that's pretty much it. He stands there singing his ass off, while just staring into the camera and attempting to convey emotion to you. I ranked him first last week, yes, but that's because he absolutely demolished the competition (which wasn't as strong as I thought it was going to be). The public absolutely love him, so from a technical point of view I think he's a lock to get to the finals right now (until America gets bored of him, which they will if he doesn't change up his routine of diva ballads with glory notes).

I am completely satisfied with Blake's team. I literally just needed Zach and Barrett to get through. That's all I wanted and America came through for me. Zach is an excellent performer. While country isn't my main thing, if he keeps doing what he's doing, he could win this whole thing. He has the right amount of fun in him to do it, and he can actually sing. He has that deep country voice that all the country fans like, so I think he needs to do what he did last week (or top it). He's the shining light for Blake's team (as much as I hate to admit it).

Barrett is best when he sticks to that weird country metaphor stuff. The knockout rounds were good for him because of how connected he seemed to the material, same goes for last week (well, as connected to a song about driving your truck as you could be). I think he's the Tate Stevens of the competition so if he just stays singing about family values and junk, he'll be just fine. After Blake got rid of all the dead weight, his category is basically a force to be reckoned with.

I'm glad she's back, everyone seems to like her and I haven't found a reason to so I'm hoping she is able to win me over. She's won the judges over and people seem to like her (and to be frank, I haven't been paying attention to her all that much) so, girl, I guess keep doing what you're doing? Whatever that is. She just needs to work on her elongated notes because those are note that fun to listen to, in my opinion.

Did I not call it? All the grandmas out their saw his button nose and voted for him to get through and he made it. Braiden looked so uncomfortable last week with his straight hair and no glasses and trying to navigate the stage. Braiden is boring, in my opinion. I think he should stay boring if that makes sense. I think he should embrace his old school vibe and continue what he did when he sang Feeling Good. He established what a good singer he was, it was simple. I think if he does that he'll be...okay, I won't say fine, but better off than last week's train wreck.

Ugh, Korin, please be more interesting. Viktor deserved the last spot in Gwen's team, the least Korin can do now is actually earn that spot. I said last week that Korin soars when she does songs that have a lot of substance in it. If she can find a song that allows her to hit all the emotion cues I know she is capable of, I think she'll be just fine.

Ay, my boy! I think Jeffery will be fine this week if he sticks to what he's good at. Sass. And vocals. He's in that weird in between stage. I think his stage presence is much stronger than the Sam Smith/Adele-esque type who just stands there giving you vocals but isn't ready for a glitz and glamour full on production performance. Don't get me wrong, if I he taps into that sass he can pull it off. I think he needs to stick to what he's good at until times call for him to switch up his routine

Madi has won the hearts of the judges, the people, and me. Her voice is gorgeous and she already knows who she is in the competition and what her voice is and where she wants to go with her music. If she can stay this in the zone this week, she's no doubt making it through.

Mark Hood, you need to find out who the hell you are. I almost barfed up last week's lunch when Pharrell picked him as the last member of his team. I don't hate him or anything, it was just so annoying watching him copy like six different artists in less that three minutes on stage. He tried to give us John Legend vocals, the Weeknd falsetto, Michael Jackson dance moves, Chris Brown dance moves and it was just very irritating not seeing him for who he is (...unless that's who he is. A phony. A great big phony!). He's so much fun to watch personality wise, it's hard not to root for him...but then you hear his voice and see him copying so many different artists, it's easy not to again. I want him to do something out of the box and original this week to save him.

Rewatching his rendition of "Overjoyed," I was a little harsh on Evan. His voice is very nice and he looked to be enjoying himself on stage, which you should probably do with a song about joy. I want to see him having some fun on stage though because he's got cool down, maybe fun is the next step? Heck, America voted for him so he must be doing something right. Hopefully I can say more about him in my breakdown reviews because I don't really have much right now.

I'll post my review later on tonight and we'll see if they actually did any of this or not, haha.

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