Wednesday, April 6, 2016

American Idol 15: Top 2 Recap/Rankings (FINALE PART 1)

Disclaimer: All these opinions are clearly subjective and I am in no way affiliated with American Idol or any other corporation.

I can't remember a time in recent memory where there wasn't someone who I clearly wanted to win the competition. La'Porsha and Trent are both absolutely fire, and the best thing about tomorrow's finale is that it's a win/win because we get nostalgia and we get an amazing winner regardless of which one it is. The winner's singles really disappointed me, but the second round was better, and then the final round lit the gas and flipped this competition completely on it's head. The night literally got better with every performance. Point is, it's really anybody's game right now and thankfully I can sit back and relax and know that America got it right for the first time since season twelve.

On one hand, this is a pretty great song that Trent sang the crap out of. On the other hand, it didn't really sound like a winner's single. I can't really picture him winning the crown and singing that. It sounds more like a random track on his debut album, as opposed to his debut single (7.5/10). He brought back the crazy facial expressions and I gotta say that I lived for it personally.

"Strike A Match"
Dalton's song worked for his voice, sounded a little more like a winner's single and he didn't sound half bad. I could see him balling on stage singing his heart out to this tomorrow night. I'm personally biased because I'm not really a fan of this type of music but it was pretty good (6/10).

I was kind of expecting something a little more along the lines of "I Am Beautiful" from La'Porsha because, you know, inspirational...or maybe that's just because I was watching that performance earlier today. La'Porsha sounded great, it just sounded more like a song for a different artist because she seemed to be struggling to integrate her style a little with the production of the song (7/10). "Kelly...a woman started it and a woman's gon' finish it." YES. MA'AM. TRY AND GIVE ME A LITTLE MORE LIFE. YOU CAN'T.

How do I feel about Dalton being eliminated? I don't. He was a great contestant, who is sure to get signed in no time but this final season belongs to Trent and La'Porsha. I commend his great attitude after he was eliminated. Dalton's a cool dude. I personally think he would have done better on The Voice.

"If You Don't Know Me By Now'"
Trent brought out all the tricks for this performance. He gave you runs, he gave you octave jumps, he gave you octave drops, he gave you a key change, he gave you falsetto. The song choice was perfect for his voice and perfect for his journey on the show (8/10).

"A House is Not a Home'"
The best part of this performance was how much La'Porsha held back during this performance because you knew she could sing the mess out of this song. The decision to go into her head voice instead of singing it fully and outrageously runny was both incredibly frustrating and ridiculously smart. While it may have not transferred into a "moment" for her, it certainly wasn't anything to forget (8.5/10).

I'm still a little depressed that the judges never stood up for this. This is one of the most beautiful performances in Idol history, Trent's voice complimented the song so perfectly. It was sublime, it was technically one of the most perfect things I've ever heard sung on one of these shows and the emotion is just pouring out of Trent before, after and during this performance. I'm so glad he was able to go off on such a high (9.5/10). Trent's vibrato is everything, his vocal transitions took me to another world.

SHE DID IT PERFECTLY. TWICE. AND ADDED MORE RUNS AND MORE FALSETTO. GIRL, ARE YOU CRAZY?! I personally thought La'Porsha was having an off night until she came out of my television set, ripped my wig off and THREW that shit in my weak ass face. Her voice was in top form tonight and I could NOT have imagined a more perfect closing to the performances on American Idol (9.5/10).

07. Dalton Rapattoni (Round 1) (6/10) 
06. La'Porsha Renae (Round 1) (7/10) 
05. Trent Harmon (Round 1) (7.5/10)
04. Trent Harmon (Round 2) (8/10) 
03. La'Porsha Renae (Round 2) (8.5/10)
02. Trent Harmon (Round 3) (9.5/10)
01. La'Porsha Renae (Round 3) (9.5/10)

Who Won Each Round?:
Round 1 - Trent Harmon
Round 2 - La'Porsha Renae
Round 3 - Wtf, idk, both.

Overall Night:
03. Dalton Rapattoni (6/10) forman (Last week's position: #3// +0)
01. Trent Harmon (8.5/10) (Last week's position: #1// +1)

01. La'Porsha Renae (8.5/10) (Last week's position: #1// +0)

What did you expect? They both absolutely demolished the last round and their averages were literally the same number. I have a feeling tomorrows margin is going to be smaller than the gap between Ruben and Clay because this is too close for comfort...and that's just a saying, because I'm very comfortable with our top two.

My Winner:

America's Winner:
I'm going to go with La'Porsha. I think the public have had her back since week one and she really deserves this (but so does Trent so....IDK)

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