Friday, November 6, 2015

X Factor UK: Top 13 Live Show (GIRLS)

This category, I feel, is a very strong one. The girls have charisma, spunk, vocal ability and they are very marketable (which is really all X Factor cares about, let's be honest). Rita was the perfect mentor for them...just because she is. She's such a natural fit, she seems very nurturing and loving and I feel she has a very strong connection to these girls. She's my favorite judge/mentor out of the four.
Bruh. "This is me"? Did the producers of Camp Rock come up with this theme? It's a nice way of introducing the public to the contestants, but I didn't like when American Idol did it, I don't like when The X Factor does it. They might as well have just named it an open theme week if they were going to come up and say "This is me." Shaking my head, man, shaking my head.

This will be in no particular order, I'm just going to go all out with my feelings for these girls:

Yes. Ma'am. Lauren is a very strong competitor this season. She not only has amazing vocal ability and a wonderful stage presence, but she is fun. She is very fun and very likable, and I think the audience will (and have) responded very well to her. She's very genuine and her quip right after she made it through to the live shows "I made it, mum!" gets me every time. That being said, I didn't really notice her much before her performance at Judge's House. When she belted out her song before Rita and Meghan Trainor, you could tell how much this girl wanted it. When it comes to her rendition of Chaka Kahn/Whitney Houston's "I'm Every Woman", there's not much to say. She hit note after note, she strutted through the stage owning the arena and she looked like she was having the time of her life telling all of the lessers that she most definitely was "Every Woman". My one critique was the staging. Lauren has an amazing voice but she doesn't need all of the fancy production. The set was a little too bubblegum princess to me. There were these weird wigs the girls were wearing and they had scissors and spray bottles. It all felt a little too Beauty School Dropout. I was waiting for Teen Angel to pop out at any moment and sit her down and sing to her (wouldn't Che make the best Teen Angel?). She also looked very cramped in the space so, while she was moving around the stage owning what she could, I felt a little claustrophobic watching her. Over all, it was a very good performance. I'd rate it an 8 on a scale from 1 to 10. 8/10


I don't want to say yes ma'am again but YES. MA'AM. Vocally, Louisa and Che Chesterman have been the most constantly flawless. She's one of the few I made sure to remember and stuck around with from the moment she belted out her first not of "Who's Lovin' You" to "And I Am Telling You". I liked her performance at Judges House but felt the song choice (Respect by Aretha Franklin) was a little played out. It's been done before but clearly she pulled it off because she could sing Call Me Maybe and make it sound like a compelling church ballad. I mean, is you gon' argue wid facts? Personality wise, I like her so far. She's never given me a reason not to and I thought it was super cute how she had no idea what "God Only Knows" by The Beach Boys was. Granted, I know of the song and would recognize it, I just wouldn't be able to tell you it was by The Beach Boys and that it is as popular as it apparently is. She sang it gorgeously, of course, to a dark background that showed her off perfectly. She looked and felt very connected to the song and gave a magnificent performance. Heck. I think I'm gonna listen to her sing it one more time right now... She get's a 9/10. Love her.

I have to give it to Monica. She did her thing. I've never been a big fan of hers but I have to admit I was disappointed when she didn't make it to Judges House last year. She had spunk, she was original, she looked like a star. I have no idea why Cheryl didn't put her through (...I may have an idea, but we'll save that for another time I feel like ranting amount Cheryl's sunflower ass). This season she's been fairly consistent. She one me over at Six Chair Challenge with her song choice alone. "What is Love" by Veronika Bozeman from Empire. I personally didn't think Monica did that good of a job with the song vocally, but she had an impact on me and I knew what she already brought to the table vocally. Personality wise, I could take or leave her. She has a habit of not being able to not bring up the fact that she didn't make the Judges House last year so whenever we get a clip of her talking she's just in her feelings about the whole ordeal. We've all  moved on, girl you're here now, hey. I think she has a remarkable story, though. This is what, her third life on the show? After being eliminated twice, that is. Her song choice of Ed Sheeran's "Make It Rain" was awesome, it suited her voice and she had the fire it took to pull the song off. Seeing her with that sunset background giving you that eye and that lip like "Bitch, I'm here to stay. Stay mad." gave me chills. She looked great, she completely owned the stage, she sounded fantastic, this really could be the year of Monica. Let's not get that far ahead of ourselves, though. 9/10.

Girl. Move on. Let's get something straight, I have no problems with Kiera. She seems nice enough, she's gorgeous, she takes criticism very well. She has a decent voice. She has absolutely nothing memorable about her. She's not original, she is just completely forgettable. I absolutely groaned when she said she was going to be singing "I Will Always Love You" for her 6 Chair Challenge song. I thought it was very in-genuine and she came off flat and didn't have the vocal power it takes to pull off a song of that calabar. She has a nice voice, there's no denying that, but I think she thinks she has a much stronger voice than she really does and that will ultimately be her downfall. I groaned when she made it through to live shows and groaned when she was performing. She looked gorgeous, of course, but I can't remember what song she sang and I can't remember anything original or fun or awesome about her performance and this was the week to do it. She didn't deliver. 4/10.

Rita overall has herself a great category and I can't wait to see what they bring to the table in the coming weeks!

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