Friday, November 6, 2015

X Factor UK: Top 13 Live Show (BOYS)

Grimmie. This is my absolute favorite category in the entire show. Not because I'm a boy, but because of the actual boys in this category. I think once Grimmie got rid of all the dead weight removed from the category, he had a very, VERY strong group. So strong I got up to the Judges House wondering what I would do in his position. 

We're not going to get through this without talking about the rest of the guys who didn't make it to the live shows simply because I loved that so much and this is my blog so we can. Simon Lynch is what drew me into this category. His chillingly brilliant performance of "If I Were A Boy" was the most memorable audition of the season, in my opinion. His vocal control was amazing, his tone was absolutely breath taking, his vibrato was gorgeous and he looked like the type of guy you'd just want to hang out with at the Malt Shop. People still go to those things, right? He soared through with an amazing rendition of Roberta Flack's "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" with ease, made it to 6 Chair Challenge and blew the roof off with an acoustic cover of Jess Glynne's "Hold My Hand" and I thought he was a real front runner in the competition. I'm not going to say he absolutely blew the competition with his final song choice at Judge's House, it just wasn't memorable. He didn't seem confident in himself and that was his over all downfall. While I was extremely sad to watch him go, I understood why. Why am I talking so much about someone who was eliminated? First off, I love him. He's the best. His instagram is my second home and is what brought me to love Josh Daniel. He posted a snippet of them harmonizing to "Let it Go" (which I may or may not have tried to do with myself with my Voice Memos app........) and it was gorgeous to listen to and I fell in love with Josh Daniel, as well. I think what drew me to the boys category is the bond the 6 (5) of them shared together. They all seemed to genuine view each other as family and it was just very compelling to see them in pictures together and see them in their little Judges House ski trip in the clip package. Love them. Onto the boys!

CHEEEEEEEEEEE. Like I said in my previous review, he is tied for first place as the most vocally consistent contestant on the show. He has such a soulful and powerful voice that he has found a way to showcase and show off during his time on the show so far. It's so pleasant on the ears and he is one of my favorites in the competition. WHEN I TELL YOU his rendition/mashup of "Tears Dry On Their Own/Ain't No Mountain High Enough" had me bopping like I was a an apple? His voice was not only absolutely gorgeous, but the man looked like he was having the time of his life. The main problem I've had with him so far is his personality. He seems like a nice guy but he doesn't seem fun, he just seems like the type to sit in the corner staring at the wall while everyone (nameably Sean Miley Moore<3) is twerking and having a grand 'ol time at some dance party. He not only looked amazing physically, he looked amazing mentally. He was dressed up in a great outfit and gave us a few smooth dance moves (Simon, I'll thank you to step off when you have your boys Max and Antone just standing there, at least he's trying). His performance would have been perfect had it not been for the last have of his vocal delivery when the song morphed into Ain't No Mountain High Enough. There is a certain point in the song where the song begins to change to a higher key, then a higher key, then an even higher key. ...The song changed keys, Che changed keys, but they didn't end up in the same one. If the song was a house, Che couldn't get in because he lost the key. He has a great voice, no doubt, it just ended up sounding more like screaming towards the end. That being said, the over all effect of the performance is what saved it and made it compelling. I give him an 7/10.

Ah, Mason. Bad boy Mason. He had been subtly hinting towards this song choice throughout his run on the show, post "the incident". If you don't know what I'm talking about, Mason got into a rant about how his audition package was only aired for 40 seconds, while others had up to 10 minutes. Simon, being Simon, promptly called him out on it and Mason dropped the mic after talking shit and walked out of the arena. Tom Bleasy, another hopeful, ended up leaving the competition (we'll get into why that was a blessing in disguise on another post) and Grimmie wanted another boy so he brought back Mason. It wasn't a shock because once you got past him being a cocky son of a bitch, his performances are usually gold. He has a decent voice and will give you a SHOW. Anyways, ever since he returned he's dial the cocky down and upped his humbleness. While it's nice to see him being likable, this man would NOT stop referring to how he was so "Sorry" about everything and how he wanted to show his "apology" and how "Sorry" he was to the public. Blah blah blah, I was so happy when Rita called him out on it because it really was getting old. I'll take confident (not cocky, confident) Mason back over humble Mason any day because say what you want, he is a great performer and has a certain swagger that will draw you in like a coloring book. ...His song choice was "Sorry". It was a great song choice for him, but under the circumstances, he really didn't have to. He just didn't. I thought the beginning he was almost inaudible, and from what I could here he was very flat. By the time he got to the chorus his "Sorry"'s were gorgeous and as smooth as butter, he sounded amazing. And he does this winky thing that I find incredibly cool, like when he's performing or listening to a judge talk, he'll just shoot them a wink and I kind of love it? The one thing that I didn't like was his hops during the dance break. Because now when I hear the actual recording when I get to the dance break I just imagine him hopping like a rabbit doing the arm things and eh, I just didn't dig it. Everything else was great. I'll give him an 8/10.

Sean. Sean Sean Sean. Here's the thing about Sean. He's confident. He knows exactly who and what he wants to be, not only in this competition, but in the over all industry. The only problem is, is that he kind of made me uncomfortable because of it before the 6 Chair Challenge. I didn't really like how over the top he was, while appreciating how original he was and what he brought to the competition. His performances of "This Woman's Work" and "Life On Mars" parrelled each other. They showcases his, no doubt, killer range but at the same time his over the top emotion reactions just don't feel real to me. He would be wonderful in the theater because he can really make you feel something when you watch him but they just don't feel real to me. They seem made up, manufactured. I may be wrong but that's how it comes across to me. That being said he looked amazing (I honestly found his popping vein when he took that wig hat thing off and it was just his bare head really funny because it was all I noticed after), he sounded amazing and he's over all just a breath of fresh originality. The thing with Sean is, whatever he's trying to do, whatever he's trying to show us that he is, he's doing an amazing job of showing it. Problem is, I have no idea what that is. 7.5/10.

I'm #TeamGrimmie at this point. His boys are great, all have their own lanes they are leaning towards and very self aware of the artists they want to be and Nick has done an amazing job with them so far. I absolutely cannot wait to see what they have in store for us the rest of the season!

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