Sunday, November 8, 2015

X Factor UK: Top 11 Live Show (GIRLS)

Um, what? This is coming from someone who loves the girl's category to pieces this season, what kind of artists do these girls want to be? Rita is an excellent gal pal for each other these girls but I don't really know about mentor. And I wasn't really feeling her as a judge this week either. That's all I have to say about Rita, really, for now. I still think she's loads of fun and it's interesting to see what she wears because she actually does dress like it's Halloween every single week. Every week.

Let me start this off by saying Kiera is going home this week. I have nothing personally against the girl, she's just managed to make nothing even reminiscent of a splash this season. Clearly the public don't get her at all either, based on the fact she was in the sing off last week. And if two people are going home this week I wouldn't be shocked if she was the one to leave the competition immediately. That being said, she did absolutely everything in her power to stay this week. She's so much fun behind the scenes but she looks bored when she gets on stage, I can't really understand her that much. Her vocals were on point, as usual from Kiera, but the dancing. The choreography was great, she hit all her marks well. I got a nice kick out of Simon saying "Well, you're no Janet," which she isn't but she did about as good as someone who is just an okay dancer did. Her face is what disconnected me. She looked gorgeous, don't get me wrong, she just looked a little bored when she was dancing. Her body was into it but her face looked like she just wanted to go home and heat up her frozen dinner. I loved the song but she didn't do enough to stay in the competition and I'm not sure if she could have even done anything because the competition is fierce this year. 6.5/10

Like I said in Che's review, I'm never going to stop pointing this out - they're the two best vocalists in the competition. There is absolutely no way you can deny that. You'd be an idiot to say that anyone else (save for....maybe Max) can even come anywhere close to touching these two vocally. That being said, she doesn't have excellent control over her voice so while she clearly can sing her little ass off her voice can come off being a bit mess. Especially when she is doing a vocal run of any kind. When I heard she was doing "Billy Jean", I'm with Simon, I was very, very skeptical. How was she going to make it work? When I tell you this 17 year old stood there with a mic and that Illuminati symbol behind her and sang the living daylights/nightlights/breadlights/pizzalights out of the first 20 seconds of Billie Jean? You could tell she was a little uncomfortable with the choreography but she looked damn good and she worked that chair like it was her job. I think she absolutely sold the song. She looked amazing and she looked so into it and that got me even more into. She was just a bouncing ball of energy the whole time and she was so in sync with the dancers. My one critique, ironically, was her singing. She completely over sang the song. It was cute during the first 20 seconds but if she had just taken the song down an octave it would have been absolutely perfect. She no doubt sounded just fine during the end when she went a capella for her last phrase but it came off as a bit (way) too much. It fit the rest of her over-the-top vocal performance, but I just wasn't feeling that part. That being said it was a very lively performance that sounded great and she didn't come off as too fake, or too uncomfortable. 7.5/10

Coming off the heels of last weeks superb performance, this felt a little bit more lackluster than it was. I found nothing too wrong with her performance of the song vocally because she's not a bad vocalist at all. The problem with the performance was the exact thing that made her performance last week so amazing. The way she owned the stage. Whereas last week she felt like Regina George, this week she felt like Gretchen Weiners. She was touching herself way too much, fiddling with her hair and her strap. Her nails are usually this long, right? They never bothered me until tonight because they were about as long as Freddy Kreuger's nails. By the time she started, quite literally, dropping it like it was hot (it was hot, for the record) I was about done with the performance. I half agreed with Simon when he called the performance karaoke. It was no where near the original song but it came off as a rip off of when Beyonce redid the "Crazy In Love" for the 50 Shades of Grey Movie. You could also tell that she redid it for 50 Shades the way Monica was creating a sequel of the movie on stage. Also, on the same note of Simon's critique, I would love for Monica to go back to the street girl she was talking about with Olly. If Monica was going for classy this week I think Cheryl was right in terms of her maybe pulling her hair back and going a little easy on all of the makeup and foundation. But the real Monica is street and more authentic and I can't wait for her to get back to it because this performance just seemed to strip everything that was real about Monica and turn her into a Beyonce impersonator. I love Monica, I didn't love this performance but on paper it was pretty good. 6.5/10

I was uber excited when I heard Rita tell Lauren this week was going to be the one to focus Lauren's voice so it matched her overall larger than life personality. I was uber excited. Let me start this review off by saying I thought she was going to be singing Ariana Grande's "One Last Time." She posted a snippet of her singing it and it fit the weeks weird ass theme. She sounded amazing like she usually does so coming into this performance I was disappointed because I was just expecting that song. She ended up going with "Hold Back the River." I had an emotional breakthrough listening to this song. Not because of Lauren because I learned that I'm an audible learner when it comes to music. I can recognize a song but not know the actual name of the song. This was the case when Louisa sang "God Only Knows" last week. This is all irrelevant because you don't care but I just thought I'd point that out. I don't know how to feel about Lauren's performance this week. Vocally, it was an overall great performance. The thing that prevented the performance from being amazing, stellar even, was her unfortunately. I'm not sure if it was her nerves but her voice was shaky in the beginning of the performance. Once my girl Lauren hit that CHORUS though? All bets were off and her voice soared like it usually does. The bridge led into the second chorus gloriously. The choir behind her was clapping and snapping and you better believe I was clapping and snapping along with them. Lauren took me to church when she hit her stride in this performance. And the more she was on stage, the more her personality shined through. Seeing her rock to the beat as the song reached its climax was great. Had it not been for her wobbly start, she would have been the best performance of the girls tonight, maybe even the best performance of the night (Maybe. Because Max was stellar.). But the performance was overall pretty good and her vocals did what they were supposed to do for her tonight. They proved to everyone that she is a force to be reckoned with.  8/10

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