Saturday, July 22, 2017

Big Brother 19: Week 4 Recap (Wednesday)

Disclaimer: This post contains spoilers for episode ten of Big Brother 19 after the jump! Everything down below are my personal opinions. I am in no way affiliated with any corporation, especially CBS, Big Brother and Paul's beard. Thank you to CBS for the images.

'Ol girl Dominique falls into a deep depression after being nominated on the block and it doesn't help that Paul is being fake and offering her a shoulder to cry on. Initially, Dominique seemed to be one of the pushovers but it's clear that she's not as dumb as everyone in the house and Paul has a problem with that. Dominique tells Mark that she thinks she was betrayed by members of her own team, specifically Paul and Elena because they started acting weird around her. Mama is just going through it. She starts maniacally laughing underneath the covers, the goes into the bathroom and begins to pray in tongues asking God to tell her who betrayed her, they way she shot up like a vampire when she heard Alex walking by (we're not there yet, but we'll get there). God tosses out Paul's name like a football (three footballs, to be exact) right before him and Dominique meet up to talk. That bitch (Paul) flat out, pancake lies to Dominique's faces and says he's never dishonest with her, that he didn't betray her and only plays an honest game. Dominique, however, is just sitting there laughing in his face like she's locked up in Radley. All she says is that the truth shall be revealed.

Alex, Dominique and Jess are already playing for the veto, but Kevin, Jason and Christmas are picked to play alongside them. Christmas is officially dead weight. She's just breathing up the air in the house. She wastes a spot in the veto competition because she's not medically cleared to play the game. Girl, go home. Heal yourself, heal the world, heal something. There is absolutely no point for home girl to be there with a snapped ankle. For this game, the contestants have to walk across a balance beam and hit a button. The first contestant to hit the button fifties times wins the power of veto. Kevin slips off the balance beam, says fuck it and grabs the temptation (which is a cash prize that immediately eliminates him from the game). The most interesting part of the game is Dominique slipping off of the balance beam, grabbing onto it and sliding her way back onto it. That was a boss move by someone who was really trying to win. But she didn't. Jason wins.

Jason wants to take Jess off because since she's a target as well, it could split the vote and keep Dominique. Paul wants Mark to replace Jessica because Mark has a good social game and will probably be campaigning to keep Dominique in the house. Paul absolutely Paul's the situation by sneaking over to Alex telling her about the idea, then goes to Jason and tells him the idea (pretending it was Alex' idea) and wants the two of them to discuss it. Then, Paul will swoop in at the end complimenting them on their great idea, keeping the blood off of Paul's hands if the situation blows up. It's ironic how Jason is constantly telling Alex this is her HOH, when his ass is being played just as hard, by Paul.

It's pretty clear why Dominique was keeping a low profile the first couple of weeks. She was busy writing snake poetry. She steals Jason away from the group, and tells him Paul is the snake without telling him that Paul is the snake. She says there is a snake in the house but refuses to tell Jason who it is, leaving Jason furious as he stomps back into the room and tells everyone (Paul, Alex, Matt, Mark, Elena) that Dom thinks the snake is one of them. Girl, is this Pretty Little Liars? Was she trying to prolong the mystery of who the snake was until September? Dominique looked like a demon in the night when the camera was in night vision and she woke up out of her BED, inside of her room, and Alex went to the living room. Those eyes were frightening. The look in her eyes was demonic.

Dominique tells Alex that she wants to have a house meeting, but Alex' pocket sized ass goes into the HOH room and tells Paul. It's like the cleaners wiped Paul's memory clean because he seemed to have completely forgot that he transformed himself into the weekly wooden spoon and has been consistently the one stirring this pot since Thursday, and bragging about it in the confessionals. What is Paul doing wasting his time on CBS reality summer shows? He needs to get straight into professional acting immediately because he has a talent. I am appalled, annoyed, disgusted, and have little words to describe how heinous this is becoming. He wants everyone to believe he is loyal, but it also looks like he's trying to convince himself that he's loyal, too, the way he is going so hard. He tells Alex he will raise hell in the house right this exact second, runs downstairs, takes the shape of a snake and all but yanks Dominique out of her bed and pulls her into the HOH room.

The fact that Paul had the nerve and audacity of a Trump supporting republican to call up Dominique into a meeting so he could dog her out and make her look faking is absolutely appalling. Everything he said, everything he is just triggers my gag reflex. Dominique stood her black ass ground and I am proud of her for not backing down to that bearded chickpea. She told him not to come at her like he knew her like that, she made it clear that even though she might be going home this week that it could be anyone last one of those other hoes in the room going home next week depending on Paul's mood. She also tells them that America will see the truth and know that they were blindly, wrongfully following a snake their entire time in the house. Say what you want about Dominique. She's irrelevant, a bible thumper, whatever, but one this you can't take away from her is that she has been loyal as every last hell this whole season. There is no solid camera proof, that's being shared by the producers, that Dominique was being as sneaky as Paul thinks she's being. The gentle giant is in TEARS because he doesn't want to go on the block, but also doesn't want Dominique to go home. Jason wants to take Jess off and put Raven up on the block, and he doesn't trust Mark to vote with them.

VETO Meeting
Paul, correctly, dresses up as a snake at the meeting. Jessica wants to stay in the house, Dominique stands her ground saying that she was framed, says Paul is dressed appropriately and has minions working for him. Jason didn't change the nominations after he let Dominique speak a little more because he wanted her to dig her grave in this house a little deeper and poor girl fell for it. She all but shoved her middle finger in Elena and Paul's face. So, damn. It's like Dominique accidentally keeps making a point because they're doing everything Paul wants them to do, with them thinking that they're making their own decisions. My goodness.

Wisdom from Dominique:
-"How does a snake operate?"
-Dominique: "How does a snake ensure that it doesn't run into things?"  Alex: "...the tongue thing"
-Alex: "That makes sense." Dominique: "Does it make sense?"
-"I think you have snake tendencies."
-"You don't know me like that to come at me like that."
-"Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Then you will see who the snake is."
-"What they sew, they will reap."

-Mark's crying face was worth this entire stressful episode.

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