Friday, November 6, 2015

The Voice US 9: Ranking the Top 20

I haven't been keeping up with The Voice since Season 6. I found the show to be very confusing during the Knockout round, not to mention all of this Knockout and Battle Round stuff just takes way too long to wrap up. It leaves barely any time for the live shows so we're forced to see an unnecessary amount of people going home each week. I've seen a little bit of this season so far and I thought what better time to start back up again while I'm simultaneously doing X Factor? These are going to be vague and very biased (because I've only previously seen Viktor and Jordan sing and I love Viktor to pieces). Hopefully as we navigate a little further through the season I'll be able to analyze their performances better.

But here we go on ranking the top 20:

20. Emily Ann Roberts (BLAKE)

"Cowboy Take Me"
She didn't sound bad she was just very boring and I didn't see anything particularly special about her. 6/10

19. Korin Bukowski (GWEN)

"All I Want"
She did a very good job with the song vocally, I just didn't really see anything memorable about her to write home about. 6/10

18. Mark Hood (PHARRELL)
"Stand By Me"
He's a good time. He has a pretty voice but I don't know why Blake was like "Whoa!" I think what's gonna carry him far is his personality because he has a lot of charisma. 6/10

17. Zach Seabaugh (BLAKE)

"Somebody's Heartbreak"
Maybe it's just because I barely heard anything out of him but he seems a bit dull? He hit an okay note, though. That was, like, okay. 6.5/10

16. Keith Semple (ADAM)
"I Want to Know What Love Is"
His over the top mechanisms he gets into when he's singing is a bit distracting. That being said, I swayed back and forth as if I was at his concert when he was singing. He overall did alright and he has a nice voice. The last note kind of made it all worth it to me. 6.5/10

15. Darius Scott (PHARRELL)

"On Broadway"
Man this with a funky good time. He sounded great, I loved his little runs. It got to be a little much by the end but I loved it. He has a great voice and seeing him get so into the song got me into it. 6.5/10

14. Riley Biederer (PHARRELL)

It was alright. Better than I expected, I just don't think I'll remember it. 6.5/10

13. Ivonne Acero (BLAKE)
"Part of Me"
She's very theatrical, but in a real way, like she's singing to someone. I really felt her emotion. It felt like she was telling someone that this part of her was here to stay and you can get mad about it, fam. Her voice is strong, no doubt, she could just work on her control a bit more. 7/10

12. Morgan Frazier (BLAKE)
"Even If It Breaks Your Heart"
Well, of course Blake stole her. She has a very strong voice and she could legitimately be a country star. She hit a foul note, but everything else was fine. Nothing to write home about. 7/10

11. Evan McKeel

"Dare You to Move"
Nothing too special but his vocals were on point, so that's something. 7/10

10. Blaine Mitchell (ADAM)
"Hold Back the River"
I feel uncomfortable reviewing him because his genre (specifically his voice) isn't the type that's very kind on my ears. I'm going to try my best to be impartial and unbiased. He has a pretty good voice, he looks very confident and in his skin when he was performing this song and the crowd was eating it up. When he started belting and kicked the mic stand away, I started to get into it. He's one to watch.7/10

09. Madi Davis (PHARRELL)
"A Case of You"
I'm not familiar with the song, so I'm not sure how the original tune goes but I love the phrasing of the song, it fit Madi like a glove. She seems to get lost in the song and that can be a good thing and a bad thing, when it comes to connecting with America. But she has a gorgeous soft voice on her and she hit some nice runs. I dig it. 7.5/10

08. Jefferey Austin (GWEN)
"Turning Tables"
Maybe it's because I love this underrated song so much, but he had a nice husk to his voice that carried through the tune. 7.5/10

07. Amy Vachal (ADAM)
"A Sunday Kind of Love"
I remember listening to this performance earlier and I immediately loved this girl. She has a distinct voice and the style of the song was just in her ballpark. The girl makes me want a Sunday Kind of Love. I'm glad she was stolen. That feels so weird to type. 7.5/10

06. Shelby Brown (ADAM)
"Jesus Take the Wheel"
Her voice is so powerful. At the beginning I thought...okay another country girl. Great. But her vocals are wicked, I loved it. And she has some rasp in her voice. 8/10

05. Barrett Baber (BLAKE)
"Cold Weather"

I'm not that big of a country fan but I didn't really think it was a country song at the beginning because it sounded like this guy had some soul in him. Just looking at him on stage will bring you into his world and he has a very strong voice. It was also awesome seeing the other guy rooting for him. And his "I love you" to his wife got me in the feels. 8/10

04. Viktor Kiraly (GWEN)

"If I Ain't Got You"
SOUL. This man has soul and I dig it. Leave it to Adam's bald head ass to put two of these amazing vocalists head to head. I'm so glad Gwen stole him and that's he'll be back. The tone of his voice is just so head banging good. I made so many disgusting looking faces bopping my head to this. He didn't need to go for that high note. I'm not complaining, but the song didn't really call for it and he was already killing it. But you can't doubt he is awesome and if there was anyone who stood a chance against Jordan it was this guy. 8/10

03. Jordan Smith (ADAM)
"Set Fire to the Rain"

Okay, here's the thing. Jordan can no doubt sing. This was just such a predictable song choice for him and how many different ways can he just sing those glory notes without it getting boring? That being said, he has an amazing voice and I got goosebumps as the song reached it's climax. Pharrell shaking his head because this guy was so good was basically me. 8.5/10

02. Braiden Sunshine (GWEN)

"Feeling Good"
Well shut my mouth. This kid is pure talent. The tone of his voice is very old school and during this performance he seemed to have a blank stare on his face. I am willing to overlook all of that. I'm a sucker for a good voice and the minute he stood up and started getting into the groove of the song I got chills. He could work on his...I don't want to say face, but face. Other than that, he's clearly amazing. Gwen was me the whole performance "It's happening!!" "What's happening?!?!?" 8.5/10

01. Regina Love (ADAM)

"Midnight Train to Georgia"

I love her personality. I saw here with Rihanna and she was a hoot. Her big personality shows in her performance and I'm glad the Knockouts ended on a strong note with her. She has a really strong voice and she took the midnight train to CHURCH. 8.5/10

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