Monday, November 30, 2015

Survivor: The Voice Edition (Top 10)

Is there any point of me even writing this? Because I'm not sure how many people they are going to cut this week, but I'm sure it's going to be an absolute slaughter that is going to be really hard to watch. The clear "front-runners" as far as the judges (and probably America too, based on iTunes) are: Jordan Smith, Amy Vachal, Zach Seabaugh (and maybe Braiden, possibly Jefferey). Unless some dark horse rides to the finish line, I don't think there is a whole lot the constants can do to switch up that front runner list. My Top 5 are Shelby, Jeffery, Madi, Amy and Jordan buuuuut we'll see if my faves get through tomorrow.

...I have been getting her last name wrong, spelling it "Vacheel" for the longest time, oh my gosh. Anyways, Amy and Adam (Amy Adams again, the more she stays the more I'll keep doing it) are sticking with what works and that's a very good idea because Amy is slaying on iTunes and her and her coach are coming up with new and innovative ways to do songs and they sound pretty amazing and fit her range flawlessly. She's all class (and lucky for me, iTunes -- which is part of how they track the votes -- is loving her!) 

Shelby is my love. We all know this, but she needs to do something out of the box to stand out from everyone else because right now she's doing things that are too generic and just "alright" that are sliding her through but she needs that extra uumf if she hopes to make it past this bloodbath on Tuesday (or next week, whenever that happens). I'm sticking to what I said last week, if she does a ballad in the pimp spot (end of the show) she will wipe the floor with everyone else because she has the voice and she has the passion to do that amazingly.

Ugh. I wasn't going to say anything about upcoming songs tonight but "Hallelujah"? This is the route Adam is going with Jordan? Please don't get me wrong, I think Jordan has the capability of doing something amazing with this song but this song is just so generic and so basic for one of these singing competitions that I groaned when I saw this is what he was doing. He's no doubt getting through to next week, so who am I to talk shit about the song choice? I just wish that Adam would try and do something a little more interesting with Jordan because first it was the diva ballads, now it's the inspirational songs. He'll probably sing it amazingly and shut me up tonight, as he has been doing every week so far.

I don't think they're ever going to refrain from marketing him as the "cute white boy" who needs all the votes to win so I guess I'll stop complaining about that because it's just waisting my breath. But, yeah, go back to being Elvis as hell and hip thrusts because that was entertaining and kind of covered up that his vocals are just pretty good instead of how amazing I initially thought they were.

[Insert what I wrote last week tbh]

Well, okay, apparently I am the only one who doesn't find her memorable because she slayed the iTunes charts last week. I just feel like it's the same cutesy love song stuff every week but I'll pay more attention to her this week, I promise. I dunno what to say here. Be more memorable for me? 

BRAIDEN DID WHAT I SAID. Although he permed his damn hair again, or whatever they do to take it from noodles to straw every week. Some people don't like when he does the old school stuff, but it's his wheelhouse. I personally think it's where he sounds the best because he has such a classic jazzy 60s commercial jingle voice. And the grandmas are obviously eating him up so I really want more of what we saw last week!

The only thing Korin needs to do this week is start picking her own songs. Her songs on performance night have been alright, but clearly not everyone is loving it because she spent her second week in a row in the bottom two last week. She knows her own voice and it's clear when she's doing her sing off performances that she knows what she needs to be doing stylistically. I think Gwen is changing her a little to much and she needs to, like, not because Korin knows what works for her and Gwen constantly doesn't do what's right for her. Love you though, Gwen. But stop and let the girl do HER.

Jeffery just needs to keep being soulful as hell and giving you an emotional slap on the face every time he performs. He's this season's resident Sam Smith and embraces it, so he does well every week and I hope this week won't be a difference. Also, I haven't been paying as much attention to him as I should because I know he's much better than how I rank him. Like, why. What's wrong with me? Whatever, Jeffery and Emily get special attention from me tonight!

Last week was absolutely gorgeous. It was riveting and it was haunting. I would absolutely love her to do this again this week because it was perfect for her. She kind of reminded me of one of the Hex girls from Scooby Doo because she looked like she was a Hex Girl and was ready as hell to put a spell on you. If she just keeps being haunting and different, I think she has a shot of getting through the big cut. I honestly think I'm just underestimating how strong her fan base is because a few weeks ago someone CAME FOR MY LIFE when I gave her a negative review (and all of Pharrell's team, to be honest).

Welp, we'll see if they actually did any of this crap tonight when I do my review!

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