Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pop Culture: Ayesha Curry Controversy

Ayesha Curry's tweet about modesty over trendy has her in the Twitter spotlight
Chef of the cooking show "Cooking with the Curry's" and wife of NBA superstar Stephen Curry has gotten bashed for her tweet about dressing with modesty.  

On Sunday, Ayesha Curry made some comments on twitter about how she believes women dressing in fewer clothes is the latest fashion trend nowadays and how she prefers to keep it modest and only show the goodies to her man. Since she posted the tweets (below), Ayesha has been getting bashed, ridiculed, praised, and honored since this tweet. 

Ayesha Curry has never really been one to be in the headlines when it comes to Twitter. She is known to be a wonderful wife to her husband, a fantastic super mom, and a pretty darn good chef. If you look at her twitter page you will see that it consist of nothing but supporting her husband, talking out her cooking skills, and of course, showing her adorn for her children. So, when she expressed her opinion of fashion, people went crazy. Many people were on her side, but a lot of people replied to her comments bashing her and saying hateful comments. Some tweets corrected her saying that most trendy clothes are not very revealing. Other tweets came for her saying she was being controversial saying not to tear women down when she herself was tearing down women who reveal more.  One person even tagged Nikki Minaj and Rihanna, promoting a twitter fight saying,  "shots fired girls let's get it".

First of all, why are people instigating twitter beef. Why would you even want to start some altercations between two people. Mind your own business. Second, Kim Kardashian gets beaten up by people for revealing too much calling her derogatory terms, but when Mrs.Curry shares her opinion that modesty is the key to classiness, people want to beat her up too? Both of these women are embracing their own selves and everything they stand for, but neither of them are correct and can have their own opinion? If that is the case there should be no opinion on anything regarding this subject. Third, Ayesha Curry should be able to express her opinion without people bashing her. If ou shared your opinion on twitter you would not want people coming at you would you? Even if you do not care about those people's opinion, you would get heated that people, wouldn't you get annoyed that you can not even express how you feel without people having something to say about it. If Ayesha Curry believes that modesty is classy then let her think that. If your opinion is different than hers, do not tear her down for not having the same values as you.

According to the tweets shown above, Ayesha Curry was simply just stating her preference. She was not trying to start anything with anyone or bring anyone down or diminish anyone. Although she may have generalized a bit by saying "Everyone's into barely wearing clothes", Ayesha just wanted people to know that she believes modest clothing is more classy than clothes that barely cover up. In the words of the very talented singer John Lenon, "Let it be".

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