Sunday, November 8, 2015

X Factor UK: Top 11 Live Show (BOYS)

I have to say after watching this week's show, the boys have once again delivered all good if not great performances. There's a part in Che's clip package where he and Mason are just chilling being stupid together (Che sprinkles water on Mason as he's sleeping) and it just restates what I said last week about the bond between these boys. Don't get me wrong, this is X Factor, so I have no doubt that this could all just be a ploy to get idiots like me to say "Aw, so cute!" but for now I'll just live for it and say "Cute, cute." Nick Grimshaw, once again, has proved to be an excellent mentor. Not only is does he get along fabulously with his acts but he plays to all of their strengths, which is something I can't say about all of the other judges. He knows what kind of artists that his acts want to be and it shows in their performances. Simon said last week, "The sign of a great mentor is listening to their act" and I think that's exactly what he's been doing and it's been paying off big for the category. #TeamGrimmie, once again. On with the boys!

Well, at least we're done with all of the apologizes from him. And we have a bit of the confident Mason back. You can tell he's getting a little more comfortable in the competition and he's not the cocky bastard he was the entire show before 6 chair, so that's something. As for his actual performance this week, I can't tell if I liked it better than "Sorry" last week. It fit his voice a little better so vocally I thought it was much better. He was a bit iffy in a few spots, pitch wise but once he hit that falsetto, all was right in the world again. I would have liked his dancing a bit more if he didn't just stand there was that expression on his face popping and locking, but it worked for the song and the overall performance was pretty nice to watch. And he's still doing the winky thing, which I personally love. Although I might be the only one. Is it an actual wink or is there something up with his eye? The performance was overall a solid one. 7/10

Before I talk about Che, I am going to say once again that vocally he and Louisa are absolutely miles above the other contestants so I sort of hold them to a higher standard because I expect so much out of the two of them. I have to admit, when I first listened to the performance, I didn't like the a capella part at the beginning. But as I listened to it again I realized it was just because as soon as the piano kicked in I got goosebumps but hearing it back it was an amazing chance to show off his amazing vocals without over singing (like he did last week). There were a few spots were he did again, but it worked for the performance - especially after he stated in his video time after time that this was a performance to show off his vocals and highlight them. Rita Ora, I'm relieved he exists too. If this is Che with a throat infection, I  can't wait to see him deliver a performance with just him and a piano in the coming weeks. I skipped through his video package that aired before he sang at first so I was going to knit pick about how he kept looking down at the mic so it felt like he was very just not confident in the performance but when I heard he was having medical issues I let it slide. Once again I agree with Simon that if I were to close my eyes he has such a distinct voice we would know it was him in a second. Cheryl made a beautiful point (what??). He has a very soulful, some would argue old school, voice but after hearing this he could put out a record today and compete with the likes of Sam Smith and Adele. 8.5/10

Can we take a minute to discuss how gorgeous Sean's face is? I never really noticed it before but when the camera gave us a close of shot of his face it was like perfection. From his makeup, to the look he was giving the camera. It was amazing. Sean said in his clip package that this was the type of record he would make if he was to put one out. I would buy in a heartbeat. He sounded absolutely wonderful, not to mention the staging of it was breathtaking. I just thought "All the leaves are brown" and him holding a brown leaf was way too literal. It was funny, though. He lost his way into the second verse but after the first few words he picked everything back up. It was such a powerful performance. His voice is stronger than I thought it was and the runs he gave off sounded natural for the dramatized performance he shared. It was absolutely stunning to watch, it was intoxicating, like Rita said. I think he and Rita could switch outfits any given week and they'd compliment each other wonderfully because Rita already dresses up like she's going trick or treating with the Scooby-Doo gang every week when she's sitting at the panel. I completely agree with this being the type of performance you would see on the Grammys (maybe not the VMAs - there was no twerking or cultural appropriation). It was gorgeous to watch and beautiful to listen to. 8/10

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